@maxz26: To gain more exposure and get those on the fence (along with any other potential would-be player) to download and play it because hey, free game for a month? And then during and after the month those who like it may buy it and hey, more money.
And besides I never said they're running out of money, just that they're probably noticing they're getting less in monthly and want to get things up to speed again. And hell this is all assumption anyway because I can't really bother enough to confirm whether I'm right or wrong. I'll start caring more about Star Citizen once there's a solid final release date for it.
I'm guessing money isn't flowing in as freely as usual due to peeps losing faith in the game being finished and they need more monies to keep the train rolling?
Not saying the game is failing, just that losing customers is expected with it being in development for so long with no end in sight still.
See! This is what a console should be, not this inferior PC wannabe crap Sony and MS is heading for. Actual hardware innovation and fantastic exclusives among other cool stuff? Like a portable Skyrim?! Sign me up!
I better start going through my 3DS backlog then as this is gonna replace it most prob
Nice! Glad its good, especially with all the effort put into the campaign which I'm very surprised about. You just don't see that anymore for these kinds of shooters haha.
I just can't justify spending so much money on it for the full experience though (because face it, you're gonna be left behind sooner or later if you don't get the season pass or premium or whatever with)
@Gamer_4_Fun: Here's hoping too! Especially with how even a lot of JRPGS are getting PC releases nowadays and doing pretty alright on it too. Rockstar would just be losing out on a lot of cash monies if they chose to exclude it.
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