Its not that i dont agree with u, but to boycot games is really not the answer. Think of it, we all went out and bought a games console like xbox360 or ps3 to play games, right? So, if u boycot them, what will u use it for?? U can allways go and rent games, but there are some that take a while to complete (GTA series for example) that renting them makes it more expencive in the long run. Also, there are such quality games out there that developers put so much effort to make that it is a shame not to show your graditude by buying them. Perfect example for me is Gears of War and Ninja Gaiden for the original xbox, which by the way i was playing on and off for 3 years in a row!!! I have finished the game countless times and still go back for more (same used to apply for Devil may Cry on the PS2, awesome game!!!)
As of the comparison u make with pc games, they might be a bit cheaper, but u have to keep upgrading ur system every 6 months in order to play most games the way they were intended! Games like Bioshock or GoW need a high-end mashine to run properly. Much more expencive in the long run.
This is not to say that all games deserve our hard-earned cash. I'm still pissed of with myself that i went out and bought Def Jam Icon, which i played for half an hour and is since sleeping on its case!!! (by the way, special thanx on Gamespot for the most overrated review ever!!!)
I think its much better to do our research before u buy a game. Check Gamespots reviews (which are most of the time quite on spot, except for the one mentioned above), other players reviews or opinions, or even rent the game first - if u can complete it in 1 day and has no replay value, dont waste ur money (remember Mark of Kri on the PS2, anyone?). And be allways wary of the marketing hype (even is i'm a marketing manager myself). To conclude, always make up your own mind on games u wanna buy, one way or the other.
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