Thou shall NOT sell the xbox
May the xbox be with u
and the all time classic
in Microsoft we trust
Thou shall NOT sell the xbox
May the xbox be with u
and the all time classic
in Microsoft we trust
With no specific order
1. Mass Effect
2. Gears of War
3. NBA 2K8
and 2 that r not out yet
4. Devil May Cry 4
5. Ninja Gaiden 2
Good question, i had the same one 6 months ago. In all honesty, i think that the two consoles (360 and PS3) are about the same in terms of performance power.An article i read a while back was stating that there is a possibility that the PS3 might be a bit more powerfull, but because the PS3's cell proceccor is of new architecture, developers are having a hard time coding for the system, while the 360 setup is powerfull enough and at the same time easy to code for. Even if that is the case, remember this: the original xbox was by fact 3 times more powerfull that the PS2. Do u remember any xbox games that were actually displaying this difference? I dont. And so far, 360 and PS3 common titles look the same on both systems.
That being said, it comes down to the exclusive titles each system is gonna get and of course on your own personal taste. Look on the games that are announced to be released exclusively on each platform this year and decide which ones u like better. To give u a taste, the 360 already has some excellent ones, like Mass Effect (amazing rpg), Gears of War, andis also getting Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Halo Wars, Lost Oddysey, Alan Wake just to name a few. On the other hand, the PS3 is getting God of War 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, any Final Fantasy that comes up, Haze, Little big Planet. Check for urself, im sure i'm missing some others.
Dont let games like Assassins Creed or Devil May Cry 4 be a factor. They come on both formats and they will look the same either on the PS3 or the 360.
For me, it was Ninja Gaiden 2 and the fact Devil May Cry 4 is coming on the 360 that made it. As a bonus, Mass Effect is an amazing game, the same for Gears. Im happy with my choice, since i like 360's exclusives better than the PS3's. Also, my personal belief is that Microsoft is doing an excellent job on breaking Sony's exclusive deals (Devil may cry was a flagship title exclusive toSony, Combat Aces 6 was meant to come only on the PS3, and Lost Oddysey is made by the people that produce the Final Fantasy series, another exclusive to sony.....for the time being.....)
On a final note, i guess u r concerned with the whole Red Ring on Death that is plagueing the 360. Granded, waiting 4 weeks do get your system repaired is a **** but u do get a 3 year warranty of the thing (note: this goes only for RRoD issues, any other possible malfunctions still get a 1 year cover). Microsoft is supposed to be addressing the issue and the new motherboard the Elite is using is meant to fix the problem. Also, be informed that the PS3 has its own issues with the optical reader. I have 2 friends that bought a PS3, both died on them 2 weeks after the purchase and had to wait 3 weeks to get theirs back. The PS3 is getting 1 year warranty only.
I cant argue if online play on the 360 is better than the one sony is offering, i dont play online.
So, for me it all comes down to what games u like the most for the exlusive titles each platform has. Do ur research and let ur personal taste decide. Hope u find this useful and whatever u go for happy gaming.
PS: if u do decide to get a 360, go for the Elite. Has the new motherboard installed, plus an HDMI port, and the extra money u'll have to pay r not that much.
I don't have a 360 at the moment but probably either Halo 3, Mass Effect or Bioshock. If I could look a little further down the road then probably GTA 4. I find that on a desert island with only one game I could get more gameplay time to fun ration out of that than any of the others. They all are great games though (I'm hoping GTA will be as well).jamesseery
Deserted island is going to have electricity?? Dont thik so.... U can always hook it up to a bicycle and start pedalling like a madman, i guess.... Hard to play at the same time though.... In that case though, i'd prefer to have someone like Jenna Jameson with me: many fun games to play with, plus a VERY good replay value.... Definitely go for Jenna man (unless u r a girl, of course. In that case can i come along??)
LOL ;)
Gears, for now. But i got Mass Effect recently, and from the looks of it, it will end up being my favorite on the 360
hilarious, never seen it before, thanx
[QUOTE="grunt1096"]Assassin's Creed Spindoc_SEI
Not a AAA title (EDIT: on Gamespot it is), but I really enjoyed this game. I find the story compelling and enjoy the mission-based explorative gameplay even though it is reptitive.
I was disappointed with Assassins Creed, too. Very, very repetitive game, i got to the 8th assasination in 3 days and left it to that, i couldnt be bothered to go though the same routine again. Not a bad game, but too repetitive
I was also thinking Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox. I don't even want to know how many times I died playing that, but I will note this: after beating the game on normal, the first boss batted 1.000 against me on the highest level of difficulty. And it wasn't due to a lack of effor. That...still...hurts....Chemistian
I second that, Ninja Gaiden was a very difficult game, even on normal. I still remember that boss fight with Alma inside the cathedral. First time round, she killed me 21 times in a row!!!! The only reason that the controller survived that day was that i needed it to keep playing!!! My all time favorite game though, and a true test of skills.
Also, u all remember Vice City, right? There was one mission near the end, where u wanted to gather a team for the final heist. In order to get the getaway driver, u had to beat him in a race. I never got to beat him, no matter how many times i tried, i even had my friends try it just to get on with the story. Never happened......
That resulted to a very angry gamer (me) and a ps2 controller having a very violent death involving a barbell. A trully priceless moment...
I ve got a 37' Samsung HD-Ready (720p) with 5000:1 contrast and i'm VERY happy with the results. Definitely worth it, i got it especially for my 360. The difference from a standard TV is VERY noticable.
I googled the tv u r thinking on buying, and these are the specs:
- resolution 1440*900
- contrast 850:1
IMO, it doesnt worth the purchase, the specs r not good enough and u wont get to see any noticable changes from a standard tv. Theresolution isgood, but the contrast ratio is way too low. Contrast is a key factor for LCD performance, u want at least 3000:1, with 5000:1 being very good. U'll have to up ur budget a bit, but ur xbox visual (or ps3) will definitely look much better. I'd also suggest u look at Samsung or Panasonic, since they r making very good LCD's for an affordable price. Check this one out:
If u get a good one, u'll definitelly like the results. Hope I helped.
Happy shopping man.
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