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kryptofreak120 Blog

The Newest Ones

Status - Level 10, 50% (the new season keeps helping me more and more), 635 posts, 11 new contributions (the ones made today), all still pending.

Yes, the next new episode of Krypto has come out. Unfortunately, I didn't like these ones as much I hoped I would. Seriously, I'm not being unfair, but I just felt like they could've done more with them. Still worth checking them out ;) At the moment, my points for contributions for the show are 114 (about to get larger, too). The new season does wonders. In two days, I go from 52 to 114 (more than double).

Right now, I'm a little concerned. I record shows on my dad's DVR, but I've lately noticed the sheer amount of things he records (so far, there's like 118 things in there, and I know most of it he doesn't need). So far, there's only 4 hours of recording left, so I need to talk to him about some of this...I still have enough to record tomorrow's episode, and I have Friday off from school, but still...I don't wanna come home and find my episode wasn't recorded...

Yes, I'm officially a little nervous now. I should probably say something...also, I'm starting to finish up my resource section for Chaos Chronicles, and soon I'll get to work on the first part of it. That's about it from me. Until then 8)

Holy Level 10!

Status - Level 10, 13%, 630 posts, 2 new reviews (for the new episode), 18 new contributions (pending, plus more last night).

Finally, I'm level 10, and I'm probably going to increase even more in the next few days. I'm sick again today, but I hope I feel better soon. Yes, the newest episode was good. Not as much as the first new one, but still good. Can't wait for tomorrow (I'll rack up even more points ;)). Again, I've made the discussion topic, so feel free to discuss it 8) I wonder how much homework I'll have...(shudders) :?

That's about it for me. Until then, and again, good luck with all of the contributions, X-626 ;)

The New Season Rules!!!

Status - Level 9, 70% (wow...just wow...), 624 posts, two new reviews (for the new episodes), and God knows how many contributions...

The new season, thus far, is living up to its hype. Kids in Capes / Attack of the Virtual Vegetables is pretty good, but only some of the predictions for Kids in Capes were correct (my second guess was right). Well, I can't wait for tomorrow. Right now, I'm sick, but I might not be tomorrow. In that case, I'll be watching my recordings twice. Once for cast, summary, notes, and reviews. Another for quotes and allusions.

Good luck with all of my contributions, X-626. I'm sorry you couldn't see the episodes, but maybe sometime you can. Until then ;) I've made the discussion topic.

Tomorrow is the Day...(Updated)

Status - Level 9, 34% (well, actually, 33.67% to be exact), 619 posts, 16 reviews (15 Krypto episodes, 1 person).

Tomorrow, we get our new Krypto episodes, and thus I shall have reviews of them, and be contributing like crazy ;) Right now, I'm sick (either pollen allergies or a cold), so with any luck, I'll get to see the new episode right away (if not, I'm recording it anyways). That also means I'm likely one of the people that's going to make the topic (I can think of a few others who might do it before me 8)). And yes, I've done a lot of reviews today (for Krypto episodes I haven't done yet). The person review is for Samuel Vincent, and I'll try to do a Brian Drummond one soon.

And yes, they've officially ruined some aspects of forum and blog posting on For instance, like I've said before, the automatic double line spacing when you want to go to a new line. Plus, giving us the option to choose smaller fonts than the preset one (seriously ticking me off when I see people using size 8 font...). Then again, we've got different color font, a list of emoticons, and left, right, and center justify texts. good and yet so bad at the same time...

I'll be doing all I can to stay home (if possible ;)) to watch the episode first-hand. Good luck to all, and I hope we see Dark Krypto soon (you knew it was coming, X-626) ;)

Way to Make Things Harder...

Quick comment. Full blog tonight. The new forum posting system is incredibly messed up. It makes single line spacing... Like so, into double line spacing... Like so. Plus, quoting is whacked, and there's a transition lag in the typing where the words will slowly appear after being typed... Yes, I'm getting frustrated o_o...

More New Episodes...!!?

Status - Level 9, 34% (?), 600 posts (if you want, call it another milestone for me ;)), nothing new. As Krypto fans have likely seen, apparently says that more new episodes are scheduled for the week of May 1st-5th (some of which really sound like ideas). Personally (and not to be nitpicky), I won't believe this until we have at least two more reliable sources confirm this (not saying TVGuide isn't reliable). Places like Superman Homepage or Zap2it. Yes, I am the proud owner of the Krypto Season 2 Speculation Thread ;) Pinned and everything, so it's official. We all want Dark Krypto. That's official too. It seems really weird for me, still liking the show...I haven't seen an episode for a long time (since Spring Break, thank God it's not longer than that), and yet I still love the show (considering that I'm bombarded with images of it every day, such as the KtS show summary picture, Legions of Gotham, Superman Homepage, and even my own desktop wallpaper ;)). I'm not saying that I question why I like it. I'm only contemplating my time and experience with it... Hmmmmm...well, at any rate, the second season is coming, and I'm probably one of the most excited people out there (excited to see the show again, and to see if the episode ideas really went through). That's about it. Until then :D (And, again, welcome back Isaac :)).

The Pieces Fall Together...

Status - Level 9, 33% (yay :D), 590 posts, nothing new. Krypto, season 2, is soon to be near. I'm probably going insane before then, but that's the price to pay to see all of our hard work. Soon (like, tomorrow), I'll be making a topic in the forum (perhaps) that has to do with second season speculations and what we might expect to see. That's about all. Oh yeah, and welcome back to Isaac6356, as he's recently rejoined the Krypto forums. Good to be seeing you again. Until then, and good luck to all ;)

The Official Announcement

Status - Essentially same as last. Superman Homepage has finally given us the official word on the second season of Krypto. Same air dates, times, and names of the episodes. Looks like our hard work to save the show has paid off ;) Can't wait to see the episode ideas in action. I might do some reviews for Krypto episodes later today. Until then ;) Reminder to Self - Ask dad about recording the Krypto episodes.

Patiently Waiting...Huh?

Status - Level 9, 29% (just seeing this each day drives me crazy, so expect reviews soon), 580 approx posts, nothing new (yet). Yes, like most of the people who read my blogs, I patiently await not only April 24th, but the entire second season of Krypto, the official announcement of the new season, the release of the DVDs, etc. (plus the newest MTG set coming out May 5-7th ;)). Now for a weird discovery regarding the new season. Catfan1 was saying something about only seeing reruns as far as the schedule from the Cartoon Network website was concerned. I've recently noticed the relaunch of the Krypto portion of the site. Nothing has changed, but all of the features work again. Now...for the weird part...April 24-28th is listed on the Krypto schedule. Weird thing is, it's only those days, and they don't say which episode it is... I smell season two coming real soon :) And this confirms that an official announcement by Cartoon Network will be made, and posted on Toon Zone and Superman Homepage soon, as well as Legions of Gotham, and anywhere else dedicated to Krypto and cartoons. Hope I can live until that week. I'm gonna record the episodes, then watch them after school (they should make a petition to move Krypto to a better time frame, like 6 or 7 PM). Hopefully, the recordings won't get too messed up (some, keyword some, previous recordings tend to get a little f'ed when recorded from the satellite). That's all from me. Until then, and have a wonderful season 2 ;) (And yes, for sure I'll be on a contributing rampage throughout the new episodes, as well as be the first out of everyone, likely, to make reviews for them.)

New Episodes...!

I think I'm gonna faint... Status - Level 9, 29%, 570+ posts, nothing new. As speculated, Krypto fans everywhere rejoice! New episodes starting April 24 (the week after "Spring Break" on CN). Considering the names of the episodes, it seems that my efforts to deliver's Krypto episode ideas was successful :D Nothing puts more of a smile on my face than knowing I helped ;) If I can see this bit of news for myself, hopefully I'll believe it with my own eyes. Until then, I'm going to check (if possible) ;)