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kryptofreak120 Blog

My Turn for My Story

Status - Level 9, 29% (expect reviews soon), 560 approx posts, nothing new. Few notes before I say anything. Apparently, the off-air status of Krypto is temporary for a week or too. Thanks to catfan1 for pointing this out. My fan fiction should get started this weekend (no promises, but I think I can actually make some headway here). I'm ordering new shirts from (clothing for gamers, geeks, and hackers ;)). With any luck, I'll get them in a few days. OK, since passiton did a story of how he came to, it's my turn :) - April, 2005. I managed to see the very end of my first Krypto episode, Krypto's Scrypto. I wondered exactly what the show was, never seeing it before. Yes, I figured out it was Krypto the Superdog, and quickly tried to find a time to watch one of its episodes. As I began to watch the show more, it became more of a cult following to me, and I quickly scoured the internet for ways to learn more about the show. In May, I grew more attached, and finally located the Superman Homepage, where not even they had much to say about the show (more than anywhere else, though). I asked a few questions of some people there (Felix Vasquez Jr., author of the KtS reviews, and Steve Younis, owner of the site), and this eventually gave me access to, where I quickly located the Krypto forums. That...was the easy parts. Yes, the next month I made a frantic effort to contact WBA (yes, I suppose this is month by month for you ;)). I searched all over after seeing the amazing ideas that the boards "inhabitants" had created, trying to give these episode ideas for Krypto to the production team. Finally, a breakthrough. Contact the president of Cartoon Network. Hmmmmm...? He's at a conference?'s redirected me to another e-mail adress if it's urgent. Next e-mail I get was forwarded to the leader of Customer Services at WB, Rita Cooper. I asked her for help a few times. After the first few e-mails, I didn't get any response, and I sent another one which more clearly stated what I want. "OK, give me the info you want forwarded and I'll give it to production." Score ;) Next...telling everyone that I'd delivered the ideas. Sure, easy enough, you'd think...not when I don't use IM and I don't know the e-mail adresses of everyone. Ouch...what? I look inside a single lone profile and find a website adress (Isaac6356). I go there, and finally see what I have to do. Duel Monsters Expert (DME) was a Yu-Gi-Oh! forum (I was previously into YGO, so I knew what to expect). I had to sign up (easy) to send a PM to Isaac. Once I finally finished the PM, it gave me an error message (given if you've been on the site too long without any activity, which was essentially what sending the PM was). I thought I might have done something wrong, so a few days later, I send another one, which makes it through. A few hours later, I see the topic about it on the Krypto forums. Score 2 ;) The reason I didn't just get on and say anything myself was that, for some reason which is now known, after signing up for, it wouldn't log me in. Apparently, some software we once used called GhostSurf was blocking access. When turned off, it would let me on, which is when I finally logged into the site: July. But before that, I had felt an unusual attachment to the DME boards. It had a fan fiction section, where Isaac had his Krypto fan fic. I decided to let my imagination wander, and thus made Chaos Chronicles. At first, I thought it seemed good, being naive to the fact that the story as a whole sucked. But, now, I finally understand everything I did wrong, and so I'm gonna go back and fix everything about it, storyline and concept. Today, Chaos Chronicles is now completely fixed within my own mind, and I know just what I need to do in order to make it successful. I found a site that excepts script format,, and now I've pretty much completely turned my back on After arriving to, I was finally able to introduce myself to everyone that had heard of me. If you can remember my name, then that's good. If you don't know it, and you're a Krypto fan (like myself, hence the name), then listen good. I've gone where many fans can't venture, which makes me one of the show's most dedicated members. I look forward to the future of Krypto :) - James Owens - Alias: Aeonis, kryptofreak120

Not Good...

Status - Same as last (too lazy to type it all out...). OK, I've noticed the new site (it obviously has some glitches), but it's running surprisingly well. The main problem I've seen for today is that on Monday the 10th, Krypto's apparently been removed from the air (for whatever reason, be it temporarily or, hopefully not, completely). Hopefully we'll see what's going on as soon as the next few days pass. Sorry for not getting any reviews done over the break, but I didn't have any time ;) Even worse, I didn't start Chaos Chronicles yet. Hopefully soon. Until then ;)


Status - Level 9, 29% (not sure, but tomorrow I'll likely do some reviews), 548 posts, nothing new. List of CC ToK changes - - Change Epona's power explanation. - Possibly rewrite certain character backgrounds in their descriptions (physical descriptions like height, age, eye color if missed). - Get an [MD] section up. - Change "Cerosa Bloodline", make it "a combination of bloods resulting in this". Just personal notes. Anyways, I've finally made up part of my mind in Chaos Chronicles. Picture this: in the first "book" (Chaos Chronicles), there are five stories (or chapters, whichever you prefer), each with a number of chapters (or sub-chapters). Then, there's my reference section for any bits of information listed and described in the story that you need to look up (codenamed the Text of Knowledge). I've been having a hard time deciding what I wanna do. Should I complete the entire "book" and post all of it then, or post just each story in CC as I finish with it, and post the ToK at the start. Bad idea, the last decision, but to make this work better, I've got my decision made; why not just post Story 1 and wait to put in the reference section at the end of development, changing things as I go if needed. Believe me, for me it was a hard decision. Tomorrow, I'll try and work on things if I can (like the overall outlook I have on the Story 1 Intro chapter). OK, now that that's said and done, moving on to other things. Let's see...oh yes, I've already beaten Metroid Prime: Hunters (sadly, not with 100% completion rate, which is actually important for when I go online [once I get my wireless router to work with my DS]). Krypto episode reviews should be expected tomorrow. I'll see if I can get my dad to help me port over my existing CC data (I know I said I'd get it done earlier, but guess what...I was lazy and forgot ;)). Good luck to everyone. Until then ;)

Kept Busy...

Status - Level 9, 29% (still...soon, the reviews shall come!), 500+ posts (I haven't bothered to look), nothing new. Well, yesterday I got Metroid Prime: Hunters, so I've been well entertained for a while. Perhaps I can play it on NWFC sometime (Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection). Other than that, there's really nothing going on here. Spring Break has helped me watch some episodes of Krypto (three of them so far), and tomorrow I get to see Krypto's Scrypto (been a long time since I last saw it). I guess that's all. Until then :)

My Most Favorite Movie...Ever

Status - Level 9, 29%, 529 posts, nothing new. This Saturday, on Toonami, they're showing my most favorite movie I've ever seen; Princess Mononoke. I remember watching it when I was 8 and how it gave me horrible nightmares for the next few years about how bloody and gory it was...yeah. Anyways, the things that makes me mad, though, is that I have to go to my friend's birthday party (nothing wrong with that). Except, I have to go at 4:00 because my mom's forcing me, and the movie starts at 4:30 for me, and I'm likely not watching it while I'm over there. Plus, no reruns. Perfect :( She's saying I should tape it, but I'd rather just do as I discussed with her before and go at 8:00. It's much easier, and I get to catch Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Lucky me :D Over Spring Break, I'll be doing more KtS episode reviews, and probably go on another mistake fixing spree if catfan1 doesn't reach them before I do (or even X-626, for that matter). I'm still patiently waiting for KtS season 2, and I know everyone else is. I hope to get all five of my fan fiction script novels done in the next few years, preferably getting Chaos Chronicles finished by the end of the year, and creating part of Eternity of Souls by then. I'll have to share the results ;) Until then :)

I'll Never Give Up

Status - Level 9, 29%, 513 posts, nothing new. Like the title says, I'm not giving up on KtS, no matter how grim the outlook is for season 2. I know some people have given up on it, but I'll keep hoping until they say something. What about everyone else? I just know that if we wait we'll get some results from the show. Until then, I guess ;):D

A Sign, or Typo?

Status - Level 9, 29%, 507 posts, nothing new. Has anyone else noticed that at in the Krypto section, when you go to the schedule and look at March 29, it says Tusky's Tooth/When Penguins Fly/Hot Enough for You? I found this interesting for obvious reasons, but does anyone else think this is weird? Fortunately, the 29th falls under Spring Break (which means I finally can watch 5 more Krypto episodes, including Krypto's Scrypto :D). If anything is attached at the end, I'll be sure to see it ;) Probably this weekend I'll be review a bunch more Krypto episodes in hopes of gaining %. In my opinion, the little "tack-on" is either a sign of the next season, or a simple typo on the web master's part. If anyone else notices this, then it could well be something eventful...I'll make sure to watch. That's about it for me. I've decided on a few things with Chaos Chronicles (which, by the way, why am I not starting on it yet!!!?), such as the names of the parts of the series and some of the chapter names and contents. In order; "Chaos Chronicles", "Eternity of Souls", "Mind of Daemon", "Tears of the Gods", and "Chaos Clash" are the titles of all five whole stories. OK, I'm just babbling on. Until then ;) Make sure to watch that little...addition to the episode, when you get the chance :)

500 Posts

Status - Level 9, 29%, 500 posts (this blog counts as a post, making it 500 exactly at the moment), nothing new. Yes, 500 posts, which is a milestone for me on I've been here for a few months, and considering how long, I'm a little slow in my own eyes. But'll be even harder to double that amount, or maybe not... Well, catfan1 and I are deciding to give up our searches for the elusive KtS S2, considering that neither of us has found anything. We're still trying, but doing it a little more covertly ;) Perhaps if we wait we'll see our prize soon enough. That's about it for me. I wish everyone good luck. Until then ;)

Level 9 - Door Number 2

Status - Level 9, 29% (massive 40% increase), 487 posts, nothing new. Finally level 9, and yet it's still depressing to me, because now I have to try even harder to get to level 10...:( Well, anyways, not much going on with me. I've noticed the Krypto forums are in a bit of a slump waiting for season 2. We know it's coming, but it's not very reassuring when Cartoon Network doesn't say anything about it for a while. It's already got upcoming DVD releases, toys, comic books, coloring books, the like. Why shouldn't it have a season 2 ;) Another thing; I seem to be getting e-mails from places like eBay and PayPal about accounts that I own and asking to renew them. I know the e-mails are probably fake, but I can't help wondering if it's happening to everyone else... This weekend is mostly relaxing and playing video games. I haven't played Animal Crossing: Wild World in a week, so I should do that sometime. In about another week, I'm gonna go on another rampage of editting any mistakes I see in the Krypto the Superdog episodes. Not many left, and I won't touch any of the quotes unless the spelling errors and structure are completely wrong. That's it for me. Nothing from WBA yet, and I'm guessing catfan1 is having similar luck...I hope I can level up some more this weekend, like maybe with more KtS episode reviews (I've got more than 13 left to go, so that's a good 40+% right there). Until then, and good luck ;)


Status - Pretty much the same as before, only 1 new review (12 oz. Mouse), and (gulp) 12 new contributions, pending at least, 2 more accepted, and 1 denied. I might as well say this. Most of my contributions were editting and fixing spelling mistakes and grammar. Believe me, I see some more, as well as some quotes that aren't right, but I'm not gonna prod X-626 any more than necessary tonight. Yes...I'll probably be doing more tomorrow if you don't fix them within the next 10 hours or so. Like the title says...sorry man ;) I know I see at least 4 more mistakes on contributions, and I even caught some of my own mistakes on editting that I did. Well...sorry about all of that. Please forgive me :) Until then I guess ;) UPDATE - All 12 pending submissions were accepted. Thanks, X-626, and I'm really sorry ;)