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kryptofreak120 Blog

Gone Yet Again

Status - Level 8, 39%, 340+ posts, nothing new. Sorry for being gone (again). I had a friend over. Anyways, mostly there's nothing to talk about, except that I'm alive, a DVD for Krypto is coming June 20th, and new reviews for Krypto should be expected tomorrow. I might post a few more times while I'm on, but other than that there isn't much to do. I have about 24 more Krypto episodes to review, so I'll try and get a good start on them tomorrow. Until then ;)

Almost the Weekend...

Status - Level 8, 39%, 340+ posts, nothing new. Like I said. I'm so glad the week is almost over. I don't have much to talk about, other than I'm probably gonna review some Krypto episodes on the weekend. I believe I have about more than half of the episodes left to might take a while...still, I'll probably have to take some breathers while I do that. That's about all. Until then ;)

Still Slowly Leveling...

Status - Level 8, 36%, 330+ posts, 1 new review (Code Lyoko), no new contributions. Like the topic says, it's taking forever for me to level. Then again, I just need to wait for season 2 of Krypto (whenever it's expected to come out) to review more episodes and contribute a LOT more. I think I'll do some more reviews of the season 1 Krypto episodes later in the month. But for now, I'm mostly just relaxing and posting. A bit ago, my computer got really slow around and eventually just refused to browse through it anymore (except for being able to log off). Oh, and sorry about not posting a blog yesterday. I was a little too busy (other than having time to participate in the Krypto elimination game). I look forward to talking to everyone tomorrow. I have a Science speech to do (on the Coelacanth, Arapaima, and Gar), so wish me luck. And Comickook...please at least speak to me or something. Until then :)


Status - Level 8, 36%, 325 posts, nothing new. Not much to say. Except that Comickook has been acting a little...weird lately. Man, come on. You never answer my blogs anymore, you never add any interesting comments to the elimination game topics, and it feels like you're ignoring everyone. It just feels like something's wrong... Sorry to waste anyone's time at the moment, but I thought I should at least say that. Until later I guess...(>-_-)>zzzzzzzz... (like my Kirby picture?)

Boring Day

Status - Level 8, 34% (wow, big increase), 320 posts, nothing new. Mostly nothing new going on today. I've finally won the mini war between Comickook and I over whether Paw Pooch got to stay in the elimination game (sorry, but he had to go ;)). Though I must say, I should probably give up on trying to save Snooky in the Bad Guys version. He's beyond hope I guess :( That's probably the most interesting thing today. I'm wondering why Comickook isn't posting on my blogs like usual. He seems a bit different lately...well, if you get the chance you can post on this blog if you want ;) That's all for today. Until tomorrow :) Edit - Apparently blogs count as posts as well, so 321 posts.

Lots Done Today

Status - Level 8, 24% (now we're getting somewhere), 312 posts, 4 new reviews (show reviews, Teen Titans, Drawn Together, Samurai Jack, The Batman), no contributions. Going to a movie today (Narnia most likely). I'd like to watch Toonami tonight, so I don't know if that'd work. I might be on later. For now, there's not much to do. I still have quite a few shows to review, mostly the ones I don't like so much. I guess that's all. Comickook, you still won't give up helping Paw Pooch, but that's OK ;) You have every right to try, and I have every right to get him off as well. We'll let everyone else decide his fate for now :) Until then ;)

Sorry for Yesterday

I know, I was gone yesterday. My brother was tying up the computer. Status - Level 8, 16% (I seriously think I need to do more reviews for Krypto and other shows), 305 posts (around there), 3 new reviews (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and Camp Lazlo, all show reviews), no contributions (I'm waiting for Krypto, season 2). My brother's been on the comp a lot lately. I was, however, lucky to get on right now. I did some reviews for some shows that I didn't really like all that much (except for Camp Lazlo). I gave them all scores above 8, and said my half of things. The forums have been kinda slow, especially the Krypto forums in a way. Mostly it's the elimination game (I'll miss you Mechanikat), and a few other things. The next season should make the forums come alive once more (not that they're necessarily dead, more like limping around). Thanks once again to catfan1 for his info on the CN conference where we'll most likely see the true future of Krypto (and whether or not my [and your] efforts to revive the series will be in vain or not). I'd like to take the moment to thank every one of the Krypto fans out there for watching this show and for coming up with the possible future episodes of season 2. Without the Krypto forums and its people, I'd never have tried to contact WBA. And BTW, what happened Mammal_Mage? They took off your newest Krypto fan fic (not the remade "Know Your Stars" one, sorry the name of it escapes me at the moment). What in God's name has done!? I loved it so much too :( Sorry I couldn't post reviews on your fic(s) yet. I'm mostly trying to steer away from right now, since they're useless for my needs right now. Sorry for the long blog. Lots to talk about. Until tomorrow, I'll see everyone later ;)

Awesome News

Basically, I'm saying whatever catfan1 has said in his latest blog. Status - Level 8, 16% (AGAIN!!!?), 302 posts, nothing new. On March 1, a conference will be held by Cartoon Network (or at least catfan1 read it somewhere, so I'm not sure yet) to discuss new shows and returning shows. With luck, this means new episodes of Krypto are gonna be announced!!! I can't wait to see if that's true. That's about all for me tonight. I'm gonna post a bit more and updated my blog when I'm done (I'm getting confused at the number of posts I had when I left last time, cause I though it was 291, but it might have been 295 or 296 when I left). That's about all. Until then :D:D:D

I'm On

Like I said, I'm back on here. Status - Level 8, 16% (still...), 291 posts, no new reviews or contributions. I've been trying to construct a decent deck for MTG (Magic the Gathering) using cards from Ravnica and Guildpact. I've got a Green/Red and Blue/Red (Guildpact pre-built, with lots of add-ins). If anyone can help me with it, I'd appreciate it immensely. If not, I can always find other sources :) Nothing yet on Krypto season 2. My computer keeps getting bombarded with ads every time I go to the Superman Homepage or the Krypto Fan Page (not a big deal, but it's annoying). I don't have too much to talk about (except that I missed the last Toonami :(). Mostly, I'm doing homework tonight. Until then ;)

I'm Finally Gonna Be On More

Status - Level 8, 16%, 286 posts, no new reviews or contributions. As the name implies, I'm pretty much done leaving the site for excessive periods of time. I'm feeling a bit better now that the computer's fixed (still need to port over the supplies for Chaos Chronicles). I'll inform everyone of any updates that happen with Krypto season 2. Good luck to all who're helping with the search party. Good job with your fanfic, Mammal_Mage. I haven't checked it recently, but I'll make sure to do that (if it hasn't gotten pulled in the time I've been gone, not that it would be). Tonight, I'm gonna be at an MGT tournament (booster draft, for anyone who knows what that means), and after that, a friend's coming over, so don't expect me to be on tomorrow. Just a heads up. Hope everyone has a good time on (please say they'll improve it soon). Until then ;)