For what I know right now, I'm level 23 on I say this, of course, because I'm on Gamespot right now. I actually came here to write a review for Metroid Prime: Hunters, but I have to be level 3 before I can write one (guess I'll be doing the picture trick more now ;)). Lemme make a note to myself (and you've probably already figured out what I'm doing to gain levels on right now...) -
- Album 1, page 12 and on.
- Album 3, page 2 and on.
- For Gamespot, all pictures.
Tonight will come my next picture of the week, and I hope you like it ;) God, this sight is weird...I expected Gamespot to be a bit easier to access and customize than, but I've been proved wrong, I guess ;) My next chapter in CCITB will come sometime next week (a lot of homework, since it's the week before Finals :x).
Also, I forgot to mention...apparently, my school has had a bomb threat set for 6-6-06, and now we're bumping up security measures (I'd fill you in on the boring details, but it involves that we can't carry around our backpacks, and more stuff like that). Yep, they've even put down a note with 20 specific people for targets on them (hope it's not a real threat). Sprague High School (where I go) is good in some ways and bad ways. For instance, our Camerata (high level orchestra, I'm in the low level) is ranked #1 in the US (actually, it's tied with Texas and Virginia schools). However, there's a lot of racism, hate crimes, and plenty of other bad things here (like bomb threats!). Yeah...
Well, until then 8)
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