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kryptofreak120 Blog

Still Too Lazy -_-

Status ( - Same as always.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 7, 39.78%, 650+ posts, 1 new emblem, 1 emblem lost, 2 new reviews, many new tags.

Ahhh, tags and reviews just aren't what they used to be at this level. Yes, organizing my tags has lost me my Tagger Leader emblem, but today I noticed that my Pushover emblem was gone (that's actually a good thing, I suppose). I now have 24 friends, which means I have a Convivial emblem (still want the Popular emblem). I've been on a total posting frenzy, considering I have lots of unions to go to...if I keep tagging, I should get the Tagger Leader back. Also, I'm simply loving my new avatar. Taking one of the cutest pictures of Krypto and condensing it to follow me around. Convenient ;)

Okay, again, sorry about the delay with Chapter 15. I'm getting really lazy and haven't been finding any time to edit it (Rachel's gonna kill me if she reads this...). I do promise it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna be working on it a lot tonight, so I should get it done tomorrow (God, I hope so).

xAshleyMx has created another picture of Krypto and friends, this time being quite...strange. I'm considering posting a picture from deviantART each day in my blogs, this time not asking for ratings, but just something to get some discussion going. Some will be Krypto related. Others will be cool pictures that I found. Take a look at "Krypto's gender bender" -

Krypto and Streaky look pretty cute in that picture :)

Let's see...what else did I miss? Oh yes. I joined some new unions, and got a few more friends (note the Convivial emblem ;)). I might do some more reviews tonight (if I can't find the creative inspiration to do the editting -_-), so I hope to acheive level 8 in the next few days (I seriously don't understand how people can do it, though I suppose more reviews couldn't hurt).

Oh, I almost forgot. Yay on the announcement of the Krypto comic release date :D I forgot when it was exactly, but I can go see anytime I want. The cover art of the first issue looks nice. I know that I'm gonna get it. Hopefully I can pick up the DVD in the next few weeks or so (I'm not sure when I can).

Until then 8)

New Avatar

On GameSpot (for anyone on going "what?"). It's basically that, only in 36 X 36 form. I had to use MS Paint to shrink it down, but I did pretty well 8) Yes, that's right, GameSpot lets you submit your own emblems (everyone who's looked has probably figured that out). Since it didn't shrink down automatically, I had to do it manually. It was a pain, but thanks to my calculator for not crapping out on me :lol:

Favorite Krypto Pictures

Status ( - What do you think?

Status (GameSpot) - Level 7, 18.04%, 500+ posts, many new tags (and the organization of a lot of them), -1 emblem.

It's -1 emblem because, for some reason, I lost my Tagger Leader emblem and returned to my Tag Maker one (your guess is as good as mine). Yesterday, all I did was kept doing tags, then organized a lot of them by catagory (could that've been it?). Either way, I did a lot more today, so it should be back by tomorrow (I'll bust out my flamethrower if it isn't).

Chapter 15 still needs editting (God I'm lazy today...). My dad and I are doing things today, so don't fret if it isn't out by tonight (it'll surely be out tomorrow, when no one's around to bother me :D). The ending part is gonna be something to see (Maximus versus about five thousand Chaos-infected soldiers, with help from Krypto and the Dog Stars). He'll be showing off one of the most impressive forbidden alchemy symbols I've created: the Copyseal (forbidden alchemy of Gemini). ***SPOILERS*** - It'll be more like ten Max's versus five thousand soldiers ;)

As the topic says, I just wanted to share, with everyone who cares, my favorite Krypto-related pictures from deviantART (for anyone who doesn't care, just skip the links). Enjoy 8)

There's some really interesting stuff on deviantART...these are only a few of the pictures that I found, but they're, by far, my favorite.

I might be doing some reviews later (if possible) on GameSpot. Also, for anyone who's noticed, I now have 20 friends :D I believe I've joined around 14-15 unions (and my post count has never been higher ;)).

Until then, and happy Father's Day 8)

Still Delayed

Status ( - Still the same...

Status (GameSpot) - Level 7, 7.17% (got here fast due to a glitch at level 6), 430+ posts, many new tags.

Level 7 - Sectoid :D Finally a Tagger Leader (and now I have to do a lot of tag organizing...yay). For some reason today, a glitch put me at level 1, 0%. I thought that it might've been a moderation that set me back to level 1 (GameSpot can do that, it's quite strict). Turned out to be a simple glitch.

Chapter 15 is still delayed...I actually already got it back from Rachel, but I still need to do the editting on it, and that might take a bit. It might be done by tomorrow.

^ Just saw this on deviantART. Pretty funny when you think about it :lol:

Mostly that's it for me. I've been on a posting frenzy in the Creators' Guild Union Board, so I naturally have a high post count since yesterday. Until then 8)

Chaos Chronicles Before Now

Status ( - Same.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 6, 15% (yay), 300+ posts, many new tags.

On GameSpot, I'm now level 6, The Super Spy. Still no new Tagger Leader emblem (good lord, how far away from it am I?). Also, my GameCube Aficionado emblem is back (it disappeared for some reason yesterday).

I've pretty much quit AdventureQuest. It just gets too hard and too broken after a while. Enemies kill you fast, and your attacks will often miss. The game also pressures you into becoming an upgraded subscriber, limiting several fun features to "Guardians Only". After reading that for the 100th time, I finally snapped. A good 2/3 of the game is only accessable by upgrading to Guardian status. Well, they have to make money somehow ;)

Rachel says that she's almost done with Chapter 15. She said she'll be finishing the rest of it tomorrow (hopefully all of you can wait till tomorrow, can't you?). She's expressed that it's actually quite difficult to write it (and she doesn't know how I can manage to do this). Rach, if you're reading this, remember that I still have about 185+ chapters to go in the entire four-story epic. Don't drop dead yet 8)

My grandparents are visiting for the weekend. Sure, not a bad thing, until you understand why they're, they aren't moving in. My brother has his graduation ceremony this Saturday. That's still not much of a problem...but guess what else? I actually have to go. Personally, I don't want to, but my parents are forcing me. I really don't care that much about it, and I might be missing the newest episode of Naruto. That's wonderful...just when things couldn't get worse (it's summer after all :)).

I'd also like to report that I recently joined Wikipedia. Guess which article I went to work on first ;) Added Mertin (since he counts as a villain, and I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of him soon), Krypto (ironically enough, no entry for him in the Main Characters section, and no one bothered to put down his voice actor), some of the Dog Stars' breeds (Mammoth Mutt, Paw Pooch, and Drooly were all curiously lacking those...), and modified a few more things. Not too sure how good of a job I did, but I'd say that I added some essential things (well, mostly essential).

Reflecting on my previous experiences with writing Chaos Chronicles, I do have to say that I'm glad with some of the changes I made. Characters are deeper and more developed, attacks flow smoothly, emotions are portaited to speak directly to the reader, and almost every aspect of the story has been planned ahead (some plot twists were actually last-minute things that I hadn't planned...whoops). Isaac can vouch for me when I say that my previous attempts were woefully bad. But, I've come a long way from that. In's a list of changes that I've instilled (for anyone not wanting spoilers, look away) -

- The demi-Chaos were previously just known as the Chaos, but now they're titled so to relieve confusion.

- Maximus was the Chaos of Speed before. Now he's the demi-Chaos of Machina.

- James mysteriously disappears in Part 3 (due to the demi-Chaos of Mind, known as the Chaos of Mind before). In the original version, he was gone for barely even a chapter. Now he stays out for five chapters, and where he goes is explained.

- Part 4 delivered the demi-/Chaos of Mirror (Elion's greatest creation yet). I never excersized his abilities to the fullest. Wanna take a guess at who it is? Initials are RH...

- Part 5 introduced the surviving Chaos (the actual Chaos, Chaos of Rebirth), X (yes, X is his name). His powers were never fully grasped, and now they've been modified to be more insideous (originally unknown powers, other than reading minds, but now powers of memories).

- Perhaps the biggest change of all...the addition of a backplot/main villain. Before, I had said that Valrin had corrupted himself from using too much of the powers of Chaos when he made the "Chaos of Form", and it was what caused him to be unactive. It occured to me that I never explained how the actual Chaos arrived in the universe, and that this was very unplausible to what I wanted. Therefore, to have a true evil at work and to establish more stories after the first two, I created Elion, the angelic soldier who betrayed the great gods. It's one thing that I never regretted doing.

- The introduction of our three new Annihilators was poorly done, but is now layered with plots to it. For example, I barely even took half a chapter to introduce the Cerosas to the Justice League and Dog Stars, and even then it was fairly brief. Now it takes three chapters, plus extra chapters to gain concepts of why they're all here. And before now...the Justice League wasn't captured.

- The Release gave a more understandable way for the Annihilators to gain their powers. Before, it just sort of...happened. Not very interesting.

- The demi-/Chaos were originally killed by stabbing them through the heart. they get killed when either James or Brian rips the Chaos soul from the human soul, which inevitably causes the death of the human host because of the quick and untrained soul removal.

- The actual Chaos were the Chaos of Blood, Time, Machina, Destruction, Gemini, and Rebirth. Needless to say, Time and Machina were dropped for Matter and Death respectively.

- Valrin was originally to make an appearance in "Story 6" (it's what I named parts before now, so it'd be Part 6). This was to be a long project, but was dropped in favor of putting it into Part 5.

- The powers of the Annihilators have been changed around a bit for consistency.

- ULEP used to stand for just the elimination of magic users. In this version, they go so far as to recruit high-level magic users themselves to eliminate the Annihilators.

- The idea for "Chaos beasts" (term explained at the end of Part 1) applied to every demi-/Chaos and was something transferred from the original version. However, I had only showed the demi-/Chaos of Speed/Machina, Mind, and Mirror in their Chaos beast forms, battling the Annihilators (a flashback in Part 1 showed Leon in his form against the previous Annihilators, but was modded out for this one, as I do show his Chaos beast form). Now, every demi-Chaos goes through the process when fighting our heroes.

- Johnathan Hews died in "Story 1" Chapter 5 before. Now, he dies at the end of Part 2.

- The Annihilators obtain the Eye of Souls in a different way now (term explained in Part 2).

- Jelos is more actively involved in things, as is Elion.

There are many more changes I made, but those are ones you'll have to see for yourself. Sorry if I bored anyone who didn't care that much. Still, it's interesting to look back on what once was. I've definitely improved since then ;)

That's all for me. I'll do some more tonight, then go to bed. Until then 8)

IT'S SUMMER!!! (Yay)

Status ( - Same.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 5, 80.91%, 250+ posts, 2 new reviews, still more new tags (but no new Tagger Leader emblem :().

IT'S SUMMER!!! Well...for me it is, but I'm not sure if it is for the rest of you. That means more time to work on the fan fic, more time to enjoy staying inside, and more time to get scared when someone opens a window and brings sunlight into the room (for those of you who got that, good job).

Current Status of Chapter 15 - Rachel's last day of school's tomorrow (and that marks her last Final). After that, she'll be free to work on it (she's been really busy in the past few days). Other than that, once she's finished her part, she'll hand it back to me for the finishing touches (editting and adding the ending part to it that I wouldn't spoil for her by telling her what would happen ;););)).

GameSpot...continues to be awesome. Takes a lot longer to level-up here, but it's worth it in some ways. Tagging and reviews are about the only way for me to earn real points (well, there's posting, but I can't tell how much of a difference that makes). Still a Tag Maker, which really annoys me, since I have almost 500, but there's that magical number of tags I need to reach the next emblem (twitch...). Arghhhhhh :evil:

Welcome back, Isaac 8)

To pass some time, I've started to play a flash game online (really popular, called AdventureQuest). No, I'm not gonna waste my time spending money to increase playability, since I'm not very sure about the game at the moment. Very hard, very frustrating, and very addicting. It takes forever to level-up and get gold (good God, it's like 1000 gold for the next equipment I need and each enemy drops around 30-50...). I seriously level faster than they can give me the gold I need. Still, worthwhile to try something new (eventually I'll have enough "Z" tokens for that awesome sword I've been eying, and then we'll see who's laughing :twisted: oh yeah...). Also, they refer to evil as "ebil"...weird.

Still looking for friends, still joining unions, still blogging and posting, still tagging, still everything. One of the unions here is expressing interest in my fan fic (I believe I mentioned that). Hopefully it'll become more popular (right now it's mostly the Krypto fans/my friends, but they're seeing it with no prior knowledge of the show).

That's all. I'll be on most of the day tomorrow. Until then 8)


Status ( - Same as before.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 5, 58.18%, 200+ posts, many new tags, one new review.

Sorry I didn't make a blog yesterday. I was a little busy. To cover for yesterday, here's a few things that I've accomplished on GameSpot -

- Joined about ten new unions.

- Made two new friends.

- Obtained interest in my fan fic from the Fan Fiction Union.

- Did a s**tload of tags.

My two new friends are PhazonPheonix (a friend I have in the real world) and nightclaw (leader of the Soldiers of Wii Union). I'm still waiting till I've done enough tags to become a Tagger Leader...also, my Contacts page is really messed up today...

Krypto news is still hard to come by, but thanks to catfan1 for the update. I'm still trying to find time to go to

Rachel recently e-mailed me about the next chapter she's helping me with. Here's what she said -

Still trying to get Blood Eyes, pt. 2 done for you. I have my own finals this week so it's going to be a bit hard for me to get to work on it. Good luck to both of us.

- Rachel

Finals have been going extremely well for me. I stand a considerable chance of getting into Symphony, and my Orchestra Final was probably the hardest of them, but so good to get done right off the bat. Every other Final...was easy as hell.

About all for me. More reviews and tags to come. Until then 8)

Level 5 - Tapper

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 880+ posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 5, 14.82%, 152 posts, 1 new review, many new tags.

On GameSpot, I've just become level 5. Yay :D Plus, I've joined another union, making three unions so far (newest one is the Metroid Prime Union). I've been making tags a lot to increase my level and acheive Tagger King status. Easy, and yet so hard at the same time.

Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 1 Chapter 15 - Blood Eyes, Pt. 2, is currently in development by Rachel and myself. Nine pages (about 3000 words) of that is James against Darius (most of it being James getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter). But the last parts of those are pretty nice :D I'm having trouble avoiding repetetive language (Rachel is too, apparently), so it's getting a little bland in those areas. However, the remaining pages are Max showing off his gadgets against the horde of Chaos-infected soldiers (as well as using his blood eyes). Plus, for good measure, I added in our other heroes to the fight. Lemme think...six new attacks. Five are blood eyes attacks, one is regular, and more about James' powers are revealed as he fights to stay alive. The name of the attacks are as followed (bold is blood eyes, italic is normal) -

Soul Star Split, Soul Blizzard, Soul Grenade Omega, Soul Chain Breakout, Soul Bomb, Soul Bomb Reaction

In all actuallity, James dies at the time he activates his blood eyes, but somehow he keeps controlling a group of souls to make his movements for him. And our heroes (the new ones) get a chance to see Epona's powers of bringing the recently dead back to life (have I shown that in the story yet?). Well, you'll have to wait and see exactly what we do in the chapter (it's actually Rachel's job to work on the current situation ;)). We'll be seeing it by tomorrow.

Sorry I haven't been on recently. It's weird...GameSpot just seems to attract my interests more. I have more to do and talk about, plus the Krypto forums have been a bit slow recently, with the show on temporary hiatus. I'll try to make time to come on soon. Also, one of my friends at school (specifically my best friend) will be joining GameSpot soon (he'd do, but he's more of a gamer, and so am I). Plus...he doesn't like Krypto :cry:

This week is Finals week...I said that already. Well, wish me great luck tomorrow, because I have my Orchestra Final. I'll explain this right now. I'm in the lowest level, the String Ensemble, and the next level is the Symphony Strings, then our, literally, world-famous Camerata. If I do well on my Final, I might actually get into Symphony Strings (I'm well prepared for tomorrow). Again, wish me luck ;)

Until then 8)

Chapter 14 Up

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 880+ posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 4, 98.36%, 130+ posts, many new tags.

Sorry about my latest chapter. I had a lot of stuff to put into it, so I split it into two parts. The next part will feature a pretty big fight scene between James and Darius, as well as Max showing off all of his gadgets (which will definitely play a big role in Part 2). If you've read it, you'll see that Rachel helped me write it (she's helping with the next one as well). It wasn't as long as I thought, but the next one will be (and yes, the Dog Stars, Krypto, Streaky, and Superman will be helping to fight the swarm of invading "super soldiers"). Plus I hope to make a scene for James and Darius (who, by the way, has a complicated past) where they converse about Darius' past, and it leads into James and his blood eyes (I'm getting the inspiration from the Naruto episode White Past, Hidden Ambition).

Good God, I'm getting a lot of reviews and ratings (which is why I was hoping Regal_Fox would tell everyone to stop the rating...). Seriously, it's pretty unnecessary. Nice that I'm getting more fans, but unnecessary. Still, though, I'm definitely curious as to how many people I'm drawing. Rachel told me that there are five others now, and more coming. Well, more views for me (also, Rachel said that they should take a look at everyone else's fics, since they've mostly been looking at mine). She also said she's loving your fics, Isaac ;)

I almost got to another level here on GameSpot (should've done the review last night...). My tags are still coming, and I'll likely make Tagger King by the end of the week (soon to be a Tagger Leader). And even then, still more things to do, like reviewing and such. Still looking for friends 8)

On deviantART, I've taken a new liking to Oekaki pictures (I have no idea what that means, but I know I like them). I'm still trying to find more pictures of Krypto, Ace, Streaky, and the Dog Stars, but it's becoming a little hard (just because a lot of the search terms aren't working well).

This week is Finals week for me. Tomorrow's an "All-Eight-Periods Day", which means lugging around three binders (A-day, B-day, and Orchestra binders) and seven books of varying size and weight (I'm saying carry because we're not allowed to take our backpacks [still on safety mode after the bomb threat on Satan Day]). And after tomorrow, it's three more short days of Finals. Plus, tomorrow has the rest of my To Kill A Mockingbird essay in English, and I need to find ten quotes from the book tonight to complete it tomorrow and gain full credit (God this sucks :x).

That's all for now. Until then 8)

Status Tonight (6-10-06)

Mostly, on both sites, everything's the same, save a few more tags (about 50 more) and one more union joined (The Legend of Zelda Union).

Okay, I've apparently got about seven new fans at the moment, and I know this because I'm both approximating (could be four to six, I'm not sure) and getting e-mails from Rachel and everyone else who's been reading (four people sending me e-mails, which makes four a minimum). So far, they're apparently Regal_Fox, rachel131, Jerald, and Krypto (of course they're all Krypto fans ;)). Also, Rachel asked me to share this with you.

Yo everyone! I'm sure glad to finally read this "special project" James has been telling me about. All he said a month back was that it had to do with Krypto: the Superdog. That's all I heard from him...until last night that is. I read this and instantly thought, "This is incredible!" James has a unique sense of writing, obviously, but I still think he's a little lazy (lol). Still, he'd been complaining about and how it wouldn't let him write the way he wanted to. It was always "damn this site" and "what the f**k!?"

As far as I can tell, he gets some of his references from other shows on Cartoon Network (Teen Titans and Naruto anyone?). After I read it, I was pretty amazed and decided to invite some others to view it (but not before reading Isaac2's works ;)). From what they've said, they like both James' and Isaac's (it was my idea to go overboard on the rating, so sorry if we didn't have any points to do your three fics). If it makes you feel better, Isaac, we'll all be giving our reviews tomorrow (or tonight, if we have time).

Yep, it's been amazing. Looking at other fics, on both and, I've seen some great works, but the best quality is, by far, belonging to Mammal_Mage, Isaac, and James. That doesn't mean James isn't still lazy ;). He's actually asked me to help him work on part 2 (the concept of more demi-Chaos makes me giddy) once he's finished part 1. I love the fact that I get to help make part of the storyline! He's given me a list of all sorts of new concepts, plot twists (ones that are necessary and fit into the story), and even what each chapter is about. I'd spoil it for you, but he'd get mad, hehehe.

Glad I could finally send a message. He's told me so much about everyone on the KTS message boards. I've seen some of your episode ideas, and they're really good. And I agree with him: I don't think that guy is Mark Garabedian. But we'll have to wait for the rest of the new episodes to know for sure. It's been fun, and please, keep reading Isaac and James' fics (you guys should get together for a group fan fic).

- Rachel, rachel131

She's nice, isn't she? We've known each other for a while now, but I still feel a little lonely now that she's moved. Well, we're never separated, so long as we have e-mail :)

That's all tonight. Until then 8)