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kryptofreak120 Blog

Bored Today

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 880+ posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 4, 62.64%, 110+ posts, 1 new emblem (Tag Maker), many new tags.

Well, after looking at my fan fic on FicWad, I've apparently gotten a s***load of new ratings (if you look, you'll see what I mean). I have no clue when this happened, but when I looked a few minutes ago, I saw a bunch of new ratings and some new reviews (from rachel131, one of my friends here in Oregon). I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only one rating, but it's still pretty nice to have more fans (and after looking further, she's been reading Isaac's fics). I'm still hoping for more ratings when I get the rest of CCITB out.

Tags are a great way at earning levels here on GameSpot. Plus I'm enjoying my new union. Doesn't have any benefits or consequences, but it's nice to talk about RPGs (I think I said this already in my blog below...).

As for Rachel, she's one of my friends (not in the same city, but in eastern Oregon). I wrote an e-mail to her (she's a fellow Krypto fan) and told her about FicWad. I checked my mail a few minutes ago, and saw that I got some messages from her (I haven't read them yet). Rachel's probably already invited some friends to read my fan fic (chances are they'll be reaching Isaac's soon enough). Yes, she said that mostly she's been searching for Krypto fics, but hadn't found anything of real greatness, other than Mammal_Mage's and Dogi's.

I'll be working on my next chapter for the rest of the day (or maybe just playing Majora's Mask on my GameCube). It still needs to be started, but once I get started on a chapter, it gets going fast ;) Good luck to everyone, and I'll let everyone know what else Rachel has to say later.

Until then 8)

(Still looking for ratings. Keep reading!)

Union (GameSpot)

Short discussion blog.

Well, last night I decided to join a union I was invited to (the Final Fantasy & RPG Union) on GameSpot. No negative benefits that I can see, and I get to talk about RPGs as much as I want 8)

Also, on, there's apparently a new emblem that I have that some others are getting, congratulating them on joining on June 1, 2005. Most users are confused since they joined on other dates (like myself on the 22, but I still got the emblem). I haven't taken a good look at it, but they should probably fix the emblem problem. Also, on GameSpot, I have a new emblem: Tag[ger] Maker (I did the brackets because Tagger Maker sounds stupid).

Full blog to come later today. Until then 8)

CCITB Spoilers ;)

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 880+ posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 4, 26.93%, 110 posts, 1 new review, many new tags (a seriously easy way to level up over here).

For anyone of you who don't want spoilers for my fan fic, look away, because I'm giving you the first and second chapters of Part 2 - A Brother Betrayed -


Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 2 Chapter 1 - A New Demi-Chaos...

With the threat of Leon gone, and ULEP's pride severely dented from their loss, James can finally relax a bit as he waits for the Annihilators to become whole again. Unfortunately for him, his brother seems to be keeping a secret.

Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 2 Chapter 2 - Kevin Whitney

James can't tell the others about his brother, fearing it might make them all concerned or otherwise. Kevin, in an uncontrollable sprint through the city, is about to learn the hard way when Maximus sets off his Release. Will he survive his blood pox?


That was just for anyone interested ;) My next chapter should be up soon (likely by tomorrow night), so you'll be interested to see where the story's about to go. The "blood eyes" will play a huge role throughout Chaos Chronicles (mostly in In the Beginning and In the Darkness).

deviantART is still awesome for finding Krypto fan art ;) xAshleyMx is probably one of the best drawers of Krypto on there, but CheetahTigerWolf (the creator of the cute Krypto picture :)) has my vote as the best.

What else should I talk about...ah yes! Next week is Finals week, which includes Monday with all eight periods and Tuesday through Thursday with the actual tests. Yep, it's gonna suck...big time ;) Oh, and GameSpot is still awesome 8) I'll still be on, but I'm spending most of my time on here right now.

And the tics are still getting annoying. Keep an eye out for my next chapter. Until then 8)


Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 870+ posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 3, 87.7%, 93 posts, 1 new review, 3 new emblems, many new tags.

I've gained two new friends today, so congrats to 3StarvingArtist and vigma23 8) Those also earned me a new emblem here on GameSpot: Neighborly. Plus I've got my GameCube Aficionado and my Pushover icons.

Man, I've been trying to remember several ideas for CCITB and its storyline lately (mostly things concerning Parts 2 and 3). For a reminder to myself, Part 2 should feature a look at the past of the Cerosas (since I didn't do so in Part 1) and have more appearances by Jess Arabac (I suppose it should be Jess Daemon now...) and Arbitrice (you know...the flame who's actually a banished angel imprisoned in the essence of a flame?). Plus, James and Maximus' red eyes (called the "blood eyes") are there for a reason, and I'm adding another ode to their special power by giving Brian something of his own later on (called the "dark seal"). Also, if I didn't say so already, this next chapter will focus a bit more on Darius through a battle versus Chaos corrupted Darius and blood eyes James.

School keeps me from writting my chapter at the moment (two speeches in one day yesterday, and an essay on To Kill A Mockingbird to be written in English tomorrow), so I'm a bit limited creatively at the moment (until the weekend ;)). Kudos to Isaac for his work on his own fic, and congrats to everyone else who's making their episode ideas. I hope to get time to read the latest ones.

My tic disorder's still annoying as hell :x Plus, my skin keeps getting dried at the knuckles, which also hurts a lot, because it keeps cracking and burning. Ouch...

Hope to keep making friends. Until then 8)

(Keep reading my fan fic!) :)

Updated CCITB Chapter List (Upcoming)

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 870+ posts (tells you I'm coming from GameSpot ;)), nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 3, 37.7%, 66 posts, 1 new review, many new tags.

As I've said, I have a new list of the upcoming chapters and their descriptions. I'd like to thank everyone who's read it so far (and kept reading, even through some of my plot twists), and I hope I can get more readers to enjoy it (I have my sig on two sites at the same time, plus the website in my profile [for whatever reason it's there and not in my one]). Enjoy ;) -

Chapter 14 - Blood Eyes

What are those eyes that the Cerosa brothers possess? ULEP's about to learn the hard way when they try to recapture the Annihilators, this time with a gift from Leon...

Chapter 15 - That Which Was Lost

The Annihilators try to take back the Watch Towers and the Justice League from Marius, who's suddenly revealed himself as being stronger than originally thought.

Chapter 16 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 1

Leon finally goes to kill the Annihilators, this time on his own, apart from Elion's control. They have no other choice as the Chaos-enhanced ULEP now goes on a killing spree.

Chapter 17 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 2

Leon reveals his true strength in the form of an ancient beast that killed the first Annihilator gods. Are the combined efforts of the Cerosas enough, or do they need help from the new Annihilators? With weapons in hand, they see their future...

Chapter 18 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 3

The final showdown between James and Leon. With nothing holding him back, Leon shows his true form. The glowing memory blades, Raem, versus the death-dealer of hatred, Arinya.

Part 2 Chapter 0 - Part 2 Introduction

The Annihilators have actually killed the demi-Chaos of Form? Jelos turns his attention towards them once more...

Part 2 is called A Brother Betrayed (whereas Part 1 was Legacy of Annihilus [or the gathering of the Annihilators]). Part 2 redefines everything when Elion finds himself a new host for a soldier and uses Valrin's powers to make another demi-Chaos ;)

GameSpot is going well for me right now. I'm finding out how things work on here, and it won't be long before I get to the big levels ;) Still...the emblems could use some work.

School is getting me a bit...frustrated. The week before Finals totally sucks...lots of crap to do, and not enough time to do it. Also, I hope that the Krypto forums can become more active. Thanks to catfan1 and 3StarvingArtist for letting me know that you're both alive still ;) Yeah, too much work to do isn't helping me, either.

Also, it's official...I have a tic disorder. This is f***ing wonderful, because most of it involves banging my arms back against my shoulders, which hurts a lot!! I really can't stop, and it interferes with my writing...yep, sucks for me. It's only a tic disorder, so it shouldn't last very long. The doctors can't confirm if it's Tourette's, but I know that if the tics last beyond age 18, it is.

Here's hoping the best to all of us. Hope everyone enjoys my next few chapters. Until then 8)

Where is Everyone?

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 868 posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 3, 1.1% (finally!!!), some amount of posts, two new reviews (I'll have to do more...).

Okay...seriously, where is everyone on the Krypto forums nowadays? I hardly see anyone posting there anymore (save Isaac, Comickook, catfan1, and Ladsone). Really, there's been a decline in the episodes at the moment, but that doesn't mean there isn't more action to find ;) Obviously, there'll be more to talk about when we get more new episodes.

My next chapter of CCITB is up. I'm trying to think of Chapter 14's plotline (it's not gonna be what it originally was). I mean, I'm adding a new chapter because I couldn't put a certain part in the previously added one (Chapter 13). It's mostly gonna involve about a thousand soldiers, mechs, and tanks, and Darius, all infected with Leon's ooze creatures, attacking the Annihilators, and actually truly terrorizing them a bit. It'll be called "Blood Eyes" (the chapter, and for a good reason).

Yes, I stayed home today because of the bomb threat at my school (very ironic how that works). Also, happy Universal Satanic Worshipping Day (I made that name up ;)). Coincidentally, there was an artical in our newspaper about (get this) a boy with a birthday on 6-6-06, and this year he turns 6, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's the 6th child in his family. Ahhh, Oregon. How wonderful it is 8)

I've got two speeches to give tomorrow, plus a test to make up for being absent today. Hopefully the Finals will even it out 8) Oh yeah...(looks around, makes sure he's alone, quietly) I'm quitting the trick :)

Until then 8)

Level 25 - Coconut Phone

Status ( - Level 25, 41%, 860+ posts (coming from GameSpot, so I don't know for sure), nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 2, 58% (it's taking forever to get to level 3...), some amount of posts (it doesn't keep track of posts on the profile page), nothing new.

Still looking for ratings :roll:

Yes, level 25, blah, blah, blah ;)

Well, my time on GameSpot has been interesting, considering that it's harder to level-up than on I'm still trying to get used to the fact that there are more confusing ways to earn emblems over here (like the Insomniac emblem, for example).

I might be staying home tomorrow (because of the bomb threat), so I'll have plenty of time to work on my next chapter of CCITB. I'm still waiting for more people to read my latest chapter, but thanks to Isaac for reviewing it. By the way...did you seriously forget parts of the main storyline already, Isaac? I mean, I know that I changed the overall plot around, but come had to have known about Kevin's Annihilator status ;) Also, here's a summary of the next chapter -

Part 1 Chapter 13 - Fire, Earth, and Wind

As Krypto and Kal await ULEP's sentence, as do the citizens of Metropolis, Kevin is slowly dying from blood pox, and Hews is close to truly taking over the Earth. The Cerosas, however, are soon to ruin ULEP's fun.

I'll be doing more stuff here on GameSpot today, but I'll be awaiting my next level on for tomorrow ;) I don't like the level names much here on GameSpot, but I suppose I'll have to live with it :P Maybe I'll use the forums a bit more...

Until then 8)

Chapter 12 Up

Okay, I might've rushed this chapter a bit, but you'll have to be the judge on that one ;) Also, the whole "blood pox" thing was actually an idea I got from the following picture -

Rest assured there'll be more action with the Dog Stars in Parts 2 and 3 (like I said...I rushed it a bit). Lemme think of something...oh yes. The Annihilators, once all of them have their powers, will definitely become a lot deeper in personality. Yay ;) Krypto characters will be used much more often in Part 2. Let's hope that the end of Part 1 will be good enough to satisfy :)

Until then 8)

Level 24 - Golden Girl

Status ( - Level 24, 17%, 859 posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 1, 25%, 0 posts, nothing new.

Personally, I don't really like this level, but it's one more step towards acheiving exhalted status ;) I'm going up faster than originally thought, but I suppose that's to be expected.

Keep rating :D This is, by far, my favorite picture.

GameSpot might be a bit harder to level up on (even with the...yeah). I can't submit reviews there until I'm level 3 (ironic how hard it is to do things on there and not here) and I'm not sure how else to get levels (I'll explore the entire site for stuff).

The next chapter in my fic will be getting some major work today (I've barely started it). Stay tuned for it ;)

Until then 8)

Picture of the Week - Week 2

Status - Level 23, 7%, 854 posts, nothing new.

Now it's time for my next picture of the week. I didn't get many votes for the last picture, but nonetheless I'll put up anothing one. This one comes from deviantART, and you've likely already seen it after I've talked about it in my blogs. I'd like a rating for it, though ;) I don't think I can give an image of it in the blog, so it has to be a link -

:):):):):) - Perfect

:):):):) - Awesome

:):):) - Good

:):) - Fair

:) - Bad

My level continues to go up, and I hope to get higher up on Gamespot as well. I'm working on the next chapter of my fan fic right now, and remember Kevin's whole "coughing up blood" thing? Yeah, I got that idea from a picture on deviantART (it's called blood pox, not the picture but the sickness). Thanks to Isaac for reviewing my story thus far. I might consider using your characters, but it might be a little hard since Parts 2-5 have been planned out carefully. However...Chaos Chronicles - Eternity of Souls will be more flexible, and thus is the perfect place to use some of them ;)

Until then 8)