It's unfortunate that a lot of seemingly neutral people here seem to have fallen for Serbian and Russian propaganda. Kosovo Albanians have long been discriminated against by the Serbian government in favour of the Serbian minority.
In 1998 (or around then), Serbia attacked Kosovo, and carried out what could be only be described as genocide against Kosovo Albanians. This was soon after Serbia's genocidal wars against Croatia, Bosnia, and their unsuccessful invasion of Slovenia. Anyone who does a bit of unbiased research on the Balkans in the 90s will realise that Serbia was the aggressor (or the chief supporter of local Serbian war criminals) in all these cases. Is it really surprising that Kosovo wanted independence from such a thuggish, and (to them) hateful nation?
I, for one, support Kosovo's independence wholeheartedly. Serbia gets absolutely no sympathy from me......
though i would agree that what the Serbian government did to the Albanians in 1998 could only be classified as ethnic clensing, that's not the whole truth. The measures taken by the Serbians in Kosovo were sparked by attacks by the KLA (basically a Kosovar Albanian guerrilla group, which have been identified as terrorists), but what the Serbians did in response prompted the justified intervension of NATO. But the Albanians in that area are not little angels. In 2004, unrest in Kosovo lead to the Albanians in the region to go for a similar ethnic attack as was wittnessed 6 years previous. During the ALbanian lead unrest, 8 Serbs were killed, more than 1000 were injured, 730 houses were destroyed, 36 Orthodox churches were burned to the ground, and 4100 minorities were displaced. All of this happened in a matter of 48 hours (sorce: 2004 unrest in Kosovo from Wikipedia).
Kosovo's independence spits in the face of international law, destroys progress, and tells the world that all countries should be based on ethnic lines, that coexistance can't worked when faced with trials. Neither side is innocent, and when all is said and done and the world's attention span moves on, we'll be left with a small nation possibly on the verge of war, and any sort of hope for reconciliation (at this point) will be entierly gone. Welcome to the new Balkan conflict.
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