I'll admit, the system has a lot of potential, but a success it is not. I don't quite understand why some people are still trying to claim it's a lot better - quality wise - than the 360 or Wii. It doesn't make much sense.
There's a Best Buy here that has about six PS3's sitting in the middle of the floor in the check-out area. It's like they really have no other way of getting rid of them.
I'm sure the lineup will change for the better; DMC, MGS, and FF will soon grace the console. But when the majority of people here (this site) are looking forward to a dirt-racing game, simply because it looks attractive, I question what the system really has to offer. I mean, I'm not going to kid myself, I know damn well that the majority of people on this site, namely PS3 fans, could give two craps about dirt-racing games.
one extreme breeds another. the defence is in respons to people who claim all exclusives, even sony made ones, will port to the 360, and despite current market trends, all games will go to their system. if one side of fanboyism didn't exist, the other side wouldn't exist either. but the world is imperfect, and so is SW Ā
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