@follyconvention You essentially support pluralism, and some extent of relativism/subjectivism. There are some standards that we need to adopt as objectively given.
@frozenux @l777l @codeman101360 That's one problem, yes. But even if it was sexiness "for the sake of sexiness", I don't see that as inherently inferior to suspense "for the sake of suspense", beauty "for the sake of beauty", sadness "for the sake of sadness" and so on. That aside, she could also be a terrific character with sexiness added "for the sake of sexiness".
@EMPTY-V None of them have free will and none get money. Well, they do, but as moral paragons they give it all to charity. (Truthfully, they clearly earn that money. They indeed have power, and so rule to some extent.)
@canuckbiker "It's easy to talk down about feminism when it's not your sex that has been abused and exploited since the history of mankind."
Take into account male deaths at work, male competition (including war), the fate of low status males in societies (including the kinds of low status work: construction, sewage, butchering, mining, etc.), male health and life expectancy generally and your claim of singular "abuse" and exploitation should change.
As for this game: no woman is exploited, as far as is visible. This is a fictional character.
@ShimmerMan It's probably about a qualitative standard: "sensible sexiness". It's about what kind of sexy is acceptable, and what other attributes must accompany whatever degree of nakedness. I'd really to get an exact description of what is deemed acceptable. Then the same should be done for violence and deviance generally.
l777l's comments