@Cao_Biao "... being racist yourselves while deflecting the issue away just proves the gaming community is still immature."
As diluted as the term "racist" (the same goes for "sexist") has become, it's difficult to tell what and how much exactly you deem racist. Regardless, the presence of some "racist" statements does not mean that an entire community is immature.
@CorkeyFord @l777l This is not directed against you, Ford. What I've read from you is valuable. You've merely given me an occasion to add something.
The simplification (and broadness) is an aspect common to both terms, "Europe", and "Orient". (By the way, I live in Europe, and am not aware of any derogatory connotation of the word "Orient".)
@Afterthought_bt "That only makes sense if it's impossible to refer to said idea without use of those words."
You are mistaken. If there are words that succinctly convey an idea, words infused with history, interwoven with emotion and experience, then suppressing these words does hamper the powerful communication of ideas. Words are vessels, and some vessels are superior to others.
To avoid further confusion, I haven't endorsed censorship/suppression. As for "liberals" and free speech: liberalism has undergone transformations; the importance it assigns to free speech has changed over time. (Nevermind the distinction between classical liberalism and left-wing liberalism.)
"Also, no sacrifice is forced by forcing people to use other words."
If you consider freedom to be a positive value, and thus restriction a loss, then censorship imposes a sacrifice.
Being granted the power to censor words is to be given power over other people. You are not as mistaken here, however. The are several strands of power in this.
@CorkeyFord "... it's a Eurocentric prejudice against the peoples of Asia and the Middle East and a simplification of a very diverse region with many different cultures and social traditions."
By the way, Europe is a very diverse region with many different cultures and social traditions. Just a matter of time until use of the word "Europe" is recognized as a human rights violation.
Weren't criminal people sent to Australia? That should make the word "Australia" an affront.
@Afterthought_bt People want to suppress the expression of ideas by suppressing the use of the words that stand for certain ideas. If one condones the suppression of (certain) ideas, then suppressing the use of the corresponding words makes sense.
Additionally, by forcing others to refrain from using such words, they force them to make a symbolic - and nonetheless real - sacrifice.
That's hilarious. Suppressing art and free speech should do wonders for culture. There's neither going to be development, nor diversity, nor excellence without conflict. Incidentally, doing a disservice to culture, does a disservice to cultural relations. Admittedly, the culture of hysteria stands to gain from this. Not a very good culture, that one.
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