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lae10 Blog

One Month Till My 17th Birthday

It's just less than a month until my 17th birthday. I'm still upset that I can't go to the Jonas Brothers concert that I wanted to go to, but I'm gonna try to make the best of my brithday. My 17th birthday is really important to me. It kinda makes me sad, though, because I feel like I'm getting old. Out of all my friends, I'm one of the oldest. Sometimes they say that I'm gonna die before they do lol, but that's okay. There's a video camera for $300 that I want, and I'm hoping to get that by Christmas at the latest. Not only that, but I want a car too!:)


Yesterday, I had this HUGE fight with my sister. On Fridays, me and my friends hang out and she wanted to hang out too, but I didn't want her to. So my mom got in the middle of it and said that she could hang out too. Well, I was pretty crabby for awhile, but things turned out ok. I was still mad that she had to come along, but we all still had fun. The thing that makes me mad is that she's older than me, and she does have friends her own age but she always wants to hang out with my friends. And I don't like that. I like to have friends of my own and friends that I don't have to share with her. That's what I feel like sometimes is that I have to share my friends with my sister. She has friends that she won't share with me so why should I have to do it?

Anyway, my point is that siblings are kind of like boys in my opinion: can't live with them, can't live without them.

How about everyone else? Do you guys fight with your siblings like I do with my only sister? I'm pretty sure that some of you do!

Comment on YouTube

Hey, everyone! I'm in school and I thought it was time for me to post another blog.

About a week ago, my friends made a video, and we were talking about the Jonas Brothers, and one of my friends said that she hated the Jonas Brothers. Well, she posted the video on youtube, and she got a comment back from someone, and they said that my friend shouldn't be saying that she hates the Jonas Brothers and stuff like that. The person said that she knows the Jonas Brothers and they sent the comment to them and they know everything that my friend said and all that. I saw the comment and I said to that person that my friend is allowed to have her own opinions and she can say them if she wants. If that person didn't like the video, then they shouldn't have watched it. I know that there are people who have the same opinions as her, and it doesn't bother me that my friend doesn't like them. I don't like some of the things that she likes, and she doesn't like some the things that I like. No matter what either of us like, we support each other. That's what friendship is about.

What do you guys think of this? Do you think that person had the right to post a comment like that? Not only didthat person say that, but they also called my friend fat and told her to go on a diet. That really made me mad. Please let me know what you think of this.

Also, I found out that I didn't have pink eye. At least I don't think I had pink eye. Almost a day after I posted my last blog my eye started to clear up, and it felt a lot better!:)

Pink Eye

The weekened was miserable for me because I possibly had pink eye, but I'm not sure. I woke up on Saturday morning and I went to rub my eye, and it hurt really bad. So I took my contact out of that eye, and it was just PURE RED!!!! I looked evil! Itreally scared me because I never had pinkeye before, and nobody in my family has ever had iteither. We don'tknow what to do to cure it.But it hurt so much that I couldn't put my contact back in until like 6 hours later. So I was walking around my house all Saturday with one hand over my bad eye so I could see with the one eye that I had my contact in. Otherwise, I probably would've fallen over lol. But my eye was still red on Sunday, and it was still red when I went to school today. I was surprised that I made it through the whole day without having my teachers telling me to go home, because my eye was pretty red this morning. But now it's not so bad, so that's a good thing!:)


Some of you probably already know this, but the Jonas Brothers tv show J.O.N.A.S. has been picked up by Disney Channel and is schedule to premiere sometime in 2008. I've read Popstar, M, and Twist magazine's blogs on myspace, and all three of them said that the rumors are officially true and that the show will be on Disney Channel in 2008. I am soooooooooooo excited for it! I've seen a few pictures from the pilot episode, and it makes me wanna see the show even more. What does everyone else think? Will you watch the show?

I'm Sad!:(

I'm like very sad.:( As of right now, I'm not doing anything for my 17th birthday. I mean my birthday isn't for another month and a half, but like I said in another blog, I was hoping to go to a Jonas Brothers concert, but I don't think that's gonna happen because Sarah's parents told her no. I told her to please please please please please please beg her parents to let her go cuz I really wanna go. I told her that if I don't go to this concert, I'm not doing anything for my birthday. That's what the plan is right now, so it makes me really sad.:(

JB #6 on TRL!

They're going up!!!!! "S.O.S." hit the TRL countdown at #6 today! That is so awesome! It's awesome, isn't it? Anyone who doesn't think it's awesome don't know what they're talking about lol. Come on, everybody! Let's keep on voting and get them to the #1 spot. They started at #10 and got up to #6 within two days. How sweet is that? Everyone, vote for "S.O.S." on TRL!:)

JB #8 on TRL!

Well, they moved up, and they're gonna keep on moving up! Today, on TRL, "S.O.S." landed at #8. How sweet is that? Everyone, let's keep on voting and see where it takes the song. It's gonna make it to #1, and I just know it! I vote every single day! Come on, everyone! Let's get "S.O.S." up to #1! The Jonas Brothers deserve to have their song at #1!:)

JB #10 on TRL!

Finally!!!!!!!:) "S.O.S." finally made it on the TRL countdown. It was #10 today. The Jonas Brothers said on their myspace page that they would like all their fans to go to and vote for "S.O.S." and get it to a higher number. All you Jonas Brothers fans out there, please go to and vote for the video. It deserves to hit #1, so let's make it happen!:)

If You Missed The Live Chat...

Hey, everyone. I've been getting a few people ask me when and where the Jonas Brothers live chat was that had happened this past weekened. For those of you that had missed it, someone had put it up on youtube in many different parts, but I have ALL of them saved under my favorites. So if you wanna watch them go to my profile and all of the videos are under my favorites. Here's the link to my profile:

I hope you enjoy them. The chat was pretty funny, and it's too bad that some people missed out. They will be having another one sometime soon, and I'll keep you updated on when that's gonna be.