@raingiver: Thanks. I figured there was a learning curve as my first few rounds in Battlefield (I never pre-order) are always heavy deaths, but then my KD starts climbing as I get use to the map, guns, etc. As for a toxic community, that is unfortunately something that is readily apparent from these forums. "Hardcore gamers" and especially PS4 folks this gen are the dredges of society.
I guess I was more worried about is how easy it is to match up going solo and whether there was other issues in that realm. But it sounds like it's probably something I should just accept isn't for me. Fortunately I have plenty of other games to play.
@eganator2000: You artificially tried to limit it to FPS's because you didn't want to admit you were wrong, but there are few FPS games that focus on slow-stealth play. How many FPS games are on PC with these mechanics?
However, Dishonored and Outlast are first person games with those mechanics. Hitman and Metal Gear Solid are third-person games with those mechanics.
As you probably have now realized, these aren't new issues, and the only reason these systems couldn't be replicated for a FPS is because of a lack of imagination and problem solving, hence my original comment. Do attempt to think before you post next time, and have the dignitary to just say you are wrong.
@Thanatos2k: Somehow Skynet (ok really British Sky Broadcasting, some crappy Britsh cable company) won a court order that MS was infringing on their trademark on "Sky" forcing MS to change Skydrive to OneDrive. Link
Seriously, Satan must be the majority shareholder in all cable companies.
@gamingdevil800: Yes, and Mononco's status as a moderator reflects very poorly on GS. There is hope that one day GS will realize this and goodbye fanboy-moderator.
@xenomorphalien: Are you actually suggesting that you should only read about and post on articles for a subject that you are interested in? My god man, how will we troll.
@eganator2000: you really aren't a console gamer, game developer, or good at problem solving (no offense, just observing). Door cycling can be resolved easily by tapping Y/Triangle (the usual buttons for opening doors) to quick open or holding for options/slow open (has been done).
LearnedHandgun's comments