@quakeknight1991: The PS4p is a premium product in relation to the PS4 Slim. $100 more or 133% price increase. You nor I have any idea how much of a premium the Xbox Scorpio will command.
@azizex6666: And for that you get to play the same exact games as us console peasants. My roommate has a fancy gaming rig. The games look a little better but are still the exact same games. Enjoy your gaming and I will enjoy mine.
@wtf_666: that was a mistake. I don't use the Kinect much for games (because, well, people shat on the Kinect before ever even using it), but man I love using it to turn on, sign in, go to Netflix, Skip tracks on Pandora, etc.
@jerjef: Fanboyism is definelty a huge factor. I do still think Xbox is hurt a bit by the growing anti-American sentiment in Europe and the patriotic loyalty in Japan. I understand why Japanese would prefer Sony. It's a local company, and PS games tend to be much more eastern genre (JRPGs and the like). As for the snooty Europeans (and obviously this isn't all or even most Europeans; vocal minorities always make the larger group look bad) are just wanting to be seen as more relevant because their economies are doing well but they tend to be after/side thoughts in the global market and the political world.
@bdrtfm: the single largest gaming market is nothing to be proud of? Honestly, I think Xbox would be doing better if MS wasn't a US based corp. Japan would definitely buy more, and hypocritical nationalists such as yourself would probably too.
Is it bad that I find it amusing to read these pathetic peoples' comments? I just don't understand how some people take the "console war" so seriously. I imagine most of them just don't have much to be proud of in life so they fight for scraps. Oh well, enjoy the circus that is below.
@jerjef: This was an entertaining read. Jerjef wins for wittiness. Turianshepard wins for immaturity. Seriously, dick sucking jokes, being a grammar nazi, crying comments, etc. Turian you really need to work on either not being such a troll or being a better troll.
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