i finally looked up a trophy list online and noticed that i am missing 2 (competed) story related trophies! is there a prob with my file, do i have to start over or whats up?
plus i pointed out that i expected everyone to tell me to get it , but i wanted reasons. knuckl3head
It's hard to give reasons for monster hunter and other m since i'm going on speculation too. And I havn't played redsteel 2 yet. You will need a motion plus attachment for it though. There is some games that I think your missing out on such as Mario Kart, Metroid Trilogy, Mario Galaxy 1&2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Okami, Most seemed to like Zelda TP, are just some off the top of my head. Not to mention the downloadable content of wiiware and classic games from all previous nintendo systems and the wii is also a gamecube, though personally theres not alot missed there. The wii is cool in the way that for alot of games you can choose your control scheme be it wiimote, nunchuck, classic controller, gamecube.I don't regret purchasing my wii and I doubt you would either.
hey man thanx alot i think im going to pick it up tomorrow with red steel2 + wmp probably preorder monster hunter with the CCP and use that to play SSB and CvT thanks for the input.
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