leimeisei's forum posts
And this is what gets me: GPU may be the #1 thing to worry about on standard PC-based architectures, but for the PS3 it isn't. The cell works in a way that can take a lot of GPU load and process it using the CPU (which does have 6 developer-accessible cores or "SPUs" btw), and that is how it makes up for it. Trust me, I write code for both fun and as a job, and I've looked through 40 pages of IBM Cell Processor Architecture PDF so I know what I speak of.
The problem is that you are looking at it from a gamer's perspective, and it won't work. Sony (and this may perhaps be their problem) looks at themselves as a business, because they are a business, and therefore you have to predict them as a business.
The PS1 was success, the PS2 experienced worldwide mass fame and fortune, and the PSP ain't doing half bad either, and I think they capitalize themselves on this (which was obvious at their E3 Presser). Their "10 year lifecycle" does not mean it will be another 8 years before the PS4, because the PS2 had a 10 year plan and the PS3 was released 6 or 7 years in, so I think PS4 will be announced maybe a year or so after the next Xbox is announced.
Having the PS3 fail (and the game isn't over yet) does not mean their next console will be as bad. I think Sony has learned some valuable lessons this generation, and they'll use them next generation. I know for a fact that their next console will not be top-of-the-line like the PS3 is, so that they can keep the price down and maximize their sales, therefore gaining a large install base early on in the lifecycle. The PS4 I also know for sure will be focused completely on games, and a more featured PlayStation Network that can not only compete witih XBOX Live, but surpass it. Also, expect to see Home on PS4 :).
I'm talking about the technology in the systems btw.
I ran across a comment in the rumor control article about Dead Rising PS3 where someone said that PS3 wouldn't be able to handle that many objects on screen at once.
It maketh me kinda mad at people for spreading rumors and saying "PS3 is less powerful than Xbox 360" because its completely not true. Now, I know you're probably thinking "But you sony fanboys rub it in our face all the time!". Well I'm also mad when PS3 fanboys go "WELL TEH PS3 HAZ FOLDIN AT HOME WHICH CURES CANSER AND TEH PS3 PWNS CUZ IT GOT TWICE POWER OF 360", because that's not true either.
From what I've seen, with games Like Madden NFL 09, Call of Duty 4, and others, is that both consoles are nearly EXACTLY THE SAME. The only thing different is PS3's got Blu-ray but very few games have taken advantage of this, and they're usually exclusives anyway. But honestly, if you look at the spec sheets, neither console is inferior to the other.
So does anyone here agree or disagree? I'm open to opinion...
The only disadvantage to owning a 360 is the whole RROD thing, but that seems to be happening less now, so don't base your console purchase on it.
IF I HAD to give someone a definite suggestion on a console, it'd have to be a 360. Now don't get me wrong, PS3 is an awesome console, but the problem is you get stuck in these little pits of time where literally NOTHING comes out. When I say nothing, I literally mean it.
There was once a time before the PS3 came out where I was sitting in front of a 360 box at GameStop and I was like "I want that, but Sony claims PS3 will be best so I'll wait and see". Let me just shorten it for you: every day I regret not buying that 360.. It has taught me a valuable lesson: Don't listen to sony's hype, because they can easily fail.
NOW, In about a year when all these new titles for PS3 have come out, I may change my mind, but for now, meh...
*psst* I don't think he knows...
Nah jk man ur just jokin around, right?
In my opinion, there can be really good games. Not just really good, but sometimes insanely good, as is the case with GTAIV, MGS4, Halo 3, Gears of War, Resistance Fall of Man, etc.
(NOTE: I'm assuming you're not on a star rating system because giving something 5 stars doesnt refer to it as perfect like giving a 10 does).
But anyway, does any game deserve a perfect 10, like GTAIV and MGS4? I mean, GTAIV had its share of flaws, even though they were not that prevalent, they still existed. And, MGS4 I totally think was overrated, because when I finished the game, I thought to myself "wow, that was truly a great game", but I did not think it was perfect, especially because I sat through cutscenes more than I played. (I'm a Sony fanboy so don't yell at me plz :) )
Anyway, down to the point:
In your opinion, does any game deserve a 10? if so, which ones and why?
Some of these people, i swear, are the tourettes guys of video gaming. Why does any PS3 person care that FF is going to xbox? its not like it will be exclusive for them..
I support sony 100% and I think what they brought at e3 was better than anyone else i had seen, because they brought games for the most part, and did not make the console firmware into something idiot-friendly.
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