leimeisei's forum posts
Well, now i know FOR SURE that haze has failed completely (I played the demo and it sucked, but I just wanted to make sure the final product was just as bad). My friends are all like "Buy a 360 so we can invite u into our games!!" and i've been kinda on-and-off about the topic since the 360 came out. I would've bought a 360 back in early 2006 and not waited for PS3, had i known it would be this sloooowww for this long.
So anyway, I gots a PS3, but now im thinkin bout a 360. My question is, what's in it for me if I get one? I cant get an arcade, since I want an HD cable with the thing but the Arcade SKU doesn't come with an HD cable. I also pretty much needs a hard disk. However, what games are there coming out this year that will actually be cool to buy (Besides for Gears of War 2, which we already know will destroy all other games).
i guess im just nervous about investing in a second console. I've never done it before. Only had a PS2 last generation, only had an N64 the generation before that.
I welcome ANY FEEDBACK! Fanboy feedback, not fanboy feedback, anything.. i just need some help :)
Two incorrect pieces of information:
1. The PS2 Burn thing is not true. The laser can't be "too strong" to the point where it could burn through a plastic disc. It'd have to be a lottt stronger. I've played about 15 different PS2 games in my 60GB (also you missed that the 80GB is backward-compatible too), and none of them have been damaged at all. In fact, some are getting less scratched over time in my PS3 than they were in my PS2.
2. The thing about downloading files is not correct. You can only download types of files that the PS3 supports directly to the PS3's internal HDD. This are files such as WMV, MP3, AVI, JPG, GIF, PNG, MP4, MOV, WMA, etc.. You cannot download anything else directly to the internal HDD. If you still wish to use the PS3 to download different things like EXEs, ZIPs, and that sort of stuff, you can connect a USB storage device to the PS3 and then the system can download anything to that.
Also, you cannot rip DVDs to the HDD. This is to prevent piracy. Also, i dont know if you're just talking about using the Wifi feature or a wifi adapter, but ALL PS3 models, with exception of the 20GB which is gone anyway, have WiFi access cards built right in.
Hope i was of some help
Always always always turn it off initally with your Sixaxis (hold PS button, click shut down, etc) OR the button on the front of the console. The ONLY TIME you should shut it off immediately using the rear switch is when the system has completely crashed so much that the power button is completely disabled (and this happened only once to me within a year's time period). Even if a game freezes, still try to use the power button in the front to shut it off (you'll have to hold it a little longer) because its a ton better for the console if you do it that way.
I'll put it like this: flipping the switch on the back of your console to turn it off is like unplugging the power cord from your computer to turn it off.
But yeah, if its already in standby, you're good to go because it is using tiny amounts of power, at no risk of overheat, etc. Only when it is in standby should you switch the power completely off.
See I wrote lots :)
The way I see it, we have a few more chances left: Haze, LittleBigPlanet (which is just about as casual as you can get), MGS4, Resistance 2, and [Top Secret Untitled Sony Project] which is supposed to be groundbreaking as far as gaming goes as we know it. But that secret one isnt due out until 2009, and because with Sony you add one year, so that takes us to 2010, and by that time we're near the end of the PS3's lifecycle and then there will be a new Xbox out and.. yeah.. So don't expect that one to save the system wars for Sony..
If you'd like more information about the secret project, all i can provide for you is http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/technology/2008/02/playstation_bounces_back.html
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