How Ubisoft won anything is laughably bad. Their games always manage to be trash.
leonkennedy97's forum posts
@daniel_su123: Yes and the vast majority of that money comes from Windows. The question isn't if MS go Bankrupt (it never will).
The question is will MS view the Xbox brand as relevant. I personally think they will.
I will buy a X1X. Its a nice piece of hardware. It should also have slightly better looking multiplats. However it is a concern to me that the PS4 Pro still has the better looking games. God of War, Spiderman, UC4, Horizon and the list goes on. There is simply nothing on X1X that really competes which is sad when MS now has the superior hardware.
@daniel_su123: Sony is worth nearly 50 billion dollars. Bankruptcy is no longer in the cards for them.
@freedom01: Part of the issue with me is how good my older games hold up. PS4 is at the level where the games will hold up well for awhile. BC is a must for me next gen.
I thought their E3 was mediocre at best. But all Nintendo had to do was announce one game from a dormant series and the fanboys went crazy.
I liked Corvo better. And I didn't mind how they gave you the the option to play as both. Its better then what most companies are doing which is strictly forcing you to play as a female and then asking for a pat on the back.
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