Well if you don't think even one of these are main exclusives.... : Ninja Gaiden 2 Not important 8.0 title only
Dead or Alive 4 Nothing to miss out on
Forza Motorsport 2 Nothing special (Grand Turismo is better,Grid is also good)
Project Gotham Ravcing 3 & 4 Again nothing special
Amped 3 What AMPED ? Seriously AMPED ?
Ace Combat 6 Again nothing special
Blue Dragon HAHHA LMFAO are you kidding me ? A 6.0 GAME ?
Lost Odyssey Nothing to miss out on only 7.5
Perfect Dark Zero Yes something good.Count that 1
Banjo ok count that in 2
Kameo What ? i think you forgot to read the word "important"
Lips Nothing special as of yet
Scene It Nothing special 7.5
Infinite Undiscovery hahaha 6.5 game important ? come on man !
Too Human Again please be serious understand my posts and than reply.I wrote IMPORTANT EXCLUSIVES that would be worth buying both the consoles.5.5 game worth buying Xbox ?
Halo 3 & Gears 2
For both Halo and Gears we all know that they will come to PCs sooner or later.Most of the people over here with UNBIASED views will Agree with me :) .
And I say Halo 3 & Gears 2 because you stated it as out right fact, which means either you don't think either of them are 'Major Exclusives' or you have total proof both will go too PC.
So that makes it a total of 3-4 titles ? 2 of them will most probably appear on PC.But still 200$ isnt much.Still my point proved.Much will be missed out if you dont own a PS3 rather than a 360.
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