Wow Battlefield and TF2 both score 9s, COD definitely has competition but even if its review doesn't match or better them, somehow it always seems to sell better lol
@Gravity_Slave: Even though the War was started by the Europeans, hundreds of thousands of Asians and black people from African countries and the west fought in the wars. I think it's a good message to send because alot of people think World war 1 and 2 just involved mainly western soldiers , majority white soldiers or just a miniscule number of black people.
Haha I just can't believe the blatant piece of false advertising. Feels like only yesterday Phil was eating humble pie and calling fanboyism stupid lol
@angrycreep: That's my whole point, not every PC setup is the same so unless they tell us the specs/price of the PC they doing a comparison with then it's pointless coz not every PC is better than an X1 or PS4.
@MrFreehuggs: If I delete an AAA game I bought digitally, can I retrieve that game again? My understanding was that, I lose the license for that game and have to buy it if I want to play it again.
@MrFreehuggs: I know it's the same size digital or not, my point was I only digital dl indies because they are smaller in size and can save me space on my HD and I buy all the AAA games I want to play in physical form.
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