Glad I only digital dl indies to save space on my HD, I'll be getting the physical copy! I was never good at Gears multiplayer but love the campaigns and hope for a long one, pause.
@jerjef: So reply to them! My comment is about some who claim the X1 S is better than the Pro, The way I see it is that, both the Pro and Scorpio will be powerful enough for this gen but games is what will eventually win gamers over.
@freeformrulz: Fanboyism is not recognising a good deal because it's not your beloved brand. Have you compared the specs and price of Pro to X1,PS4 and X1 S? And what's your unbiased conclusion on the Pro when you look at the pricing? Scorpio is not out yet so no point in thinking that far ahead, I'll wait and see the specs and price
@freeformrulz: The Pro is good value for money, I compared the specs and price to X1, PS4 and X1 S and realised that it's money well spent and you don't have to be a fanboy to see that. I'll sell my PS4 and put money on top for the Pro.
@rickjamesia: When did I say it's completely normal? I'll say it again, if it costs devs money to patch games to 4K, as a business they have every right to charge for that! It's the 3rd party devs/licensees decision not Sony or MS, I don't agree with it but I understand.
@arcangelgold: If it costs 3rd party devs extra to do 4K then they have every right to pass on the costs and if MS and Sony refuse to pay then they can just not make it. 1st party studios is where I think will see both consoles. You might not see any value in the system but I do, 200% + extra power compared to the PS4 at $400 is a nice price and it's only $50 more than the Xbox One S which is probably around 300% less powerful and you still don't see the value in it? Haha
letsgame82's comments