Still got my Dreamcast, great console and still enjoy playing Power Stone on it today. You could definitely tell it inspired and influenced the design of the original Xbox.
System seller! Spidey is very popular and Sony were smart to make a deal with WD/Marvel and make it exclusive coz I would've bought a PS4 for this game if I didn't already own one. This is the Spiderman game gamers have been dying for and with Insomniacs and Marvel working on it HYPE!!!
I definitely will be getting one as I'm a console only gamer, I'll get one for the Scorpio aswel if MS make one for the Scorpio. I've got a good feeling about VR this time and hope it succeeds especially with the advancement in tech, people are already using it at theme parks etc
Feels like it was only yesterday when it was Sega vs Nintendo, I don't think Playstation or Xbox are too worried about Nintendo today. It would be a nice surprise if they released a powerful enough console to rival Neo or Scorpio with a strong 3rd party backing but I doubt it. Sounds like another gimmicky console zzzz
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