Hopefully this game will be good... if it ever comes out. But I would like to see an original title from Square, ahhhh, those were good days when they still made those. Remember Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story and Xenogears? You know, the non-Final Fantasy masterpieces.
It's nice to see everyone disagrees with this nonsense as much as I do. It's funny that these companies think gamers are just made of money. Perhaps the reason there hasn't been as many sales is because we don't have all this cash to fork out for new, expensive games and releasing a new console will just screw us over further.
If they do this movie, seeing as it's a movie and not a game in which you interact I feel the best way to handle it is to tell the game's story while throwing in flashbacks that go through Wander's past. But that's just like, my opinion man.
The fact that the homosexual bashing comments are getting near just as many likes as dislikes makes me sad. And the fact that most of the homophobic people didn't seem to mind lesbian content in the game is really funny as it's contradictory. You must be really uncomfortable with your sexuality, perhaps you are just suppressing your own homosexuality?
Sometimes I wonder what some gamers (myself included) would do if ratings and reviews did not exist anymore and we actually had to buy games based in what we "think" we would like... total anarchy...
They stated Nintendo's large difference compared to the 360 and the PS3 as something that will have them drop out but I think it is quite the opposite although it has without a doubt the worst third party support. Although there are great exclusives for both the 360 and PS3 many of the biggest hits are multi-platform so if ANYONE were to drop out it would be one of those two. It's going to be hard for Microsoft and Sony to create features that really differentiate the two companies.
lex_in_the_moon's comments