Stellaris has cultural changes and the like; even species traits can be modified, with the right research. Based on this review, Stellaris handles it more organically as well.
@lkk102466: I was talking about this article, so no, I wasn't saying anything about the writers and directors of any shows.
EDIT: Also, if by "source material" you meant the comics, then also no, because I obviously wasn't referring to the comics, I was referring to the Arrowverse shows. I haven't actually read any Earth-2 or Earth-3 comics myself, but I don't think what I said is true of those, only of Earth-2 and Earth-3 in the Arrowverse.
@n0matter: Is this a joke? It is well-regarded. The fact that @Thanatos2k even had to ask proves that "they should stick to the comics" doesn't make any sense, because most people don't know anything about comics anyway.
I would think it obvious that they're going to apply CG to this. These may not even be the final pre-CG costumes. As the article says, this is super early in the process. Honestly, kind of surprised how many people on a video game forum don't seem to know about CG.
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