This "inconsistant tone" thing is the same criticism I always see for GTA. As if it's a negative that a game have silly comedic elements as well as serious drama. I don't think these clash at all, and I welcome more games willing to deliver more dramedy, no matter how much the critics hate it.
I would bet things like the digital trips are what they spent their extra time on. Probably thought they could review higher by padding it with more content, even if that content is so strangely out of place. Those feel like they belong in a Saints Row game.
@garysingh34 I liked Jim Sterling's review over at The Escapist. This game is great and amount of effort they put into world-building very well could rival GTA.
@nyran125tk @liquidbutter It wasn't a problem with optimization though. I'm not sure if PC gamers would ever consider an Ubisoft PC port to be a shining example of graphical fidelity only accessible to the PC MASTER RACE.
@nyran125tk The original Crysis was also considered by PC gamers at the time to be the epitome of PC gaming, displaying the best of what could be done.
@skrewler the hacking is not a gimmick. It's actually the most important, most thoroughly expansive, and most enjoyable aspect of the game. There is so much variety in it and every different mechanic is beautiful and powerful.
LiquidButter's comments