(cont) above all these commenters in the article above show signs of being completely spoilt (which was possibly an after effect of last gen caused by the abundance of games which followed the tried and tested formula a bit too well and with little or no innovation to completely reinvent some gameplay mechanics.) but it is also a social problem as well, where many in today's society think the world owes them something for no particular reason and show tendencies of self centeredness with no respect for anyone else's own opinions.
@stefano101 I agree, it used to be just about the games and nothing more, sure there were still some fanboys around but they were not like the trolls that are around today and would at least acknowledge your own opinion even if its different from theirs. The main problem with gaming this gen is fear of change (as illustrated by the nasty comments towards Helper for merely suggest a possible feature that would be optional.) devs are in a catch 22 situation because of it, most gamers want something brand new and different but also at the same time, more or less the same and doesn't deviate away from the game's predecessor. Personally i blame last gen for that, the devs started to get in a comfort zone around formulas of gameplay that worked (and worked well at that) they stopped taking small risks and started doing minor tweaks to the tried and true core gameplay mechanics which feature in all of the different genres with only a handful which tried to do something different but weren't that widely adopted by the gamers. (cont.)
i wouldn't exactly say that the 3ds screen is old tech, sure it may not share the same output as the vita but it begs the question, how many 3d displays have you seen which offer 3d effects without the need of special glasses? As far as i've seen hardly any.
Dedicated gaming devices aren't going to be dying anytime soon, i don't see devices like the 3ds/vita disappearing into obscurity in the not too distant future but having said that, it is more probable that both types of devices will merge when it comes to the gen after the 3ds/vita. it all really depends on how well both the 3ds and vita perform during their prospective lifespan. As for the commenters mentioning Tom's viewpoint. Just because someone has written about the negative aspect of dedicated handheld devices does not mean that he is pro iOS/Android gaming. Anyone can have an opinion (even if its negative) on whether is going on and still favour any form of dedicated gaming. it all depends on whether you can open up instead of being narrow-minded.
One thing that this article has not gleaned on is how easily available it is to get hold of both android and iOS SDKs which are also offered for free while i would guess that the devs would have to pay a licence for the sdk just to develop a title for the 3ds/vita. this is probably one of the reasons why Mojang have said that there are no plans to bring Minecraft to the vita.
how come whenever i see an argument about 'there's no core games' on touch devices no one ever mentions Dead Space? (not to be confused with the console version) it is by far the best example of a core game running on a touch device, with the controls tailor-made to work well since this game was made from the ground up.
@smwat going by the article i think the real issue with the 4 second sleep/wake functionality is that there is no discernible feedback on whether the device is waking up or not. on other devices usually an led (lights up or changes colour) is used as an indicator that the device acknowledges the button press.
@endorbr fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that is to be respected. Its a shame though that some commenters here don't seem to think that way when something doesn't agree with them
@flexappeal and what about android devices such as the xperia play? last time i checked onlive fully supports the controls built into the play and also onlive have made it so you can pair up ps3 controllers (not sure about 360 controllers) to use the service on the likes of tablets and such if a person would prefer to do so.
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