If I have to pay 60$ for it, just like every other game, and then pay 15$ more per month, it better be a REALLY cool game to ask for that kind of money. It doesn't appear to be a REALLY cool game.
liquidsuns' forum posts
I don't make moral judgements on other people. It totally depends on the three of them and you and how all of you guys think of the situation. I will speculate that it isn't going to end well for anyone. I've been in somewhat similiar situations a few times and it never goes well. Even if you weren't involved, the 3-way will go bad. It always does.
That's like....exactly me.I seem to always come up with impossible standards to push people away in person then deeply regret it later when I'm not around them... I over analyze everything and generally hide my true-self for fear that I'll be isolated for being different only to isolate myself anyway... I prefer fantasy to reailty and I enjoy being alone while at the sametime not wanting to be alone...
I've messed around with a carnivore diet. Mostly I'm on a slighty modified version of Paleo, but I tend to go back and forth messing with more extreme diets.Â
So when you get, generally, less than 50 grams of carbs a day, you are going to enter into a metoblic state known as ketosis. To simplify what this means; your body is going to use fat instead of carbs as it's energy source. When you first enter this state, you are going to be very tired and lack any kind of energy. Your breath and urine are going to smell kinda strange. After a few days though, you will get your energy levels back, as your body will get used to using fat as its energy source.
Now, most healthy people can totally live off just meat. There have been studies of this and the people were fine. In fact, in some health tests, they scored better than others who had a more normal diet with fruits and vegetables. It will, over time, have some negative affects on your liver, as digesting massive amounts of protien will do this.
The question though is will an all meat diet be healthier than meat, vegetables and some fruit? I dunno. My experience was that I had great energy levels, but I lost tremendous amounts of body fat....like, too much. I'm already always lean from eating Paleo all the time, but I reach a good body fat ratio. On the carnivore diet, i couldn't stop losing weight.Â
Now, I totally support you doing this. It's fun to figure out which diets have the best result. But two things; firstly, only eat GOOD meat. If you are eating shitty hamburgers and meat from some shitty grocery store, than it WILL be bad for you. Only eat grass-fed and finished beef and fish. Good stuff, man. Second, I saw you refer to lions and tigers eating only meat....we aren't lions and tigers. Don't base any of your "we should do this cause they do" ideas off of other animals. They have totally different digestive systems and evolved to eat totally different things.
Overall, I found eating like 80% meat and then the rest of my diet being vegetables was the best, for me. I have great energy. Can build muscle when working out. Can keep some weight on. This ratio allows me to stay in ketosis (as I don't eat enough carbs via vegetables to get over 50 grams) and still get the vitamins and nutrients from veggies, which are important.
This alpha/beta shit is getting super annoying. Just do what you want to do, TC. She doesn't get to be the only one that dictates your relationship. If she just wants to be friends, but you want more and aren't cool with that, then don't be friends with her. It's hard to be friends with someone that you have feelings for. Only do it if you really think you can or it's not gonna go well. Ask yourself why you really like this girl. Unless it's like soul-matey kinda stuff, just move on. There are 1000000s of girls out there.Â
If you decide to stay friends in an attempt to manipulate her and get her to be with you, don't keep bringing up your feelings for her or it will just get obnoxious and she won't even want to be friends. Casually flirt with her. Drop little hints. Ask her to hang out sometimes. But don't act desperate. Really though, in my experience, if there is ANY hope of being with her beyond friendship, if you stop talking to her (not in any mean, obviously deliberate way....just stop), she will come back and persue you herself. If you cut it off and she doesn't care...then that is that.
I have personally turned around several relationships, gotten really hard to get girls, got ex-girlfriends back, ex-girlfriends friends. All sorts of stuff. It really depends on the girl and the situation and how much you want it and how much you can control yourself....and how good looking and charming you are....it's all relative to the situation. We don't know the girl and what she's into and we don't know you. It's impossible to give you real advice that will mean something. Thinking there is some canned, generic answer that will work for you, is stupid and it's that kind of thinking that **** this kinda stuff up for dudes. No one answer is right here.
Mine is kaiushy. On xbox and stuff I usually use kaiush, which is the phonetic spelling of the Inuit word "k'eyush", which means bear cub. That was the name of my siberian husky. Anyways, kaiush was taken....so I put a 'Y' on the end of it....
You aren't ugly at all. But dude, cut your hair. Always have some stubble on your face, don't be clean cut or bearded. Get some style in the way you dress. Get clothes that fit you well, not baggy shit that a lot of dudes like to wear because, secret here, girls don't like it. Wear some unique jewlery like a necklace and bracelet. Don't just look like everyone else. Build a presence, develop a unique way of moving and standing and talking. Work out, eat healthy, spend some time in the sun and you will look and, more importantly, feel a lot better.
Really, talk to girls and find out what they like. Most will tell you the above. Don't act or look like your dude friends. They don't know shit about what attracts women; women know what attracts women.
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