Do what you like to do. None of them have anything important figured out and probably aren't doing anything "important" to society's advancement either. They are doing things that are important to THEM. You do things that are important to YOU.
liquidsuns' forum posts
Here's the thing I've noticed about relationships; they are super fuc#in' complicated. I'd like to change your optimism from "marriage" to "love", since they don't always coincide and aren't mutual exclusive. But I can't. See, even if two people are madly in love and should totally be together, if any should, and it still just won't work out for any myriad reasons. Relationships are hard and confusing and so many emotions are happening on so many levels and then you get super invested in someone and the fear of losing them and being all alone kicks's rough, I'm not gonna lie. And lots of people just that....any sign of trouble or hardship and they are done. Let's put it this way; relationships are so complicated and strange and unique to themselves, that it's impossible to give advice or to just make generalized statements about how it feels to be in one.
But yes, if you find someone that is perfect for you and STABLE and there for you and doesn't quit at the drop of a hat....THAT would feel amazing. Know that you have someone that you can truly trust and count on.....yeah.
Yep, it is possible. Eat shit tons of fish, grass-fed/finished beef and vegetables. Drink shit tons of water. Don't consume anything else. Do shit tons of squats, dead-lifts, pull ups, and push ups. Done. You will look like humans are supposed to look.
For a flat stomach, it's all about diet. I went from a "normal" looking, semi-bloated/fat stomach to a flat stomach in days. The secret? Eat vegetables and lean meat. STOP eating crappy food. Some fruit is okay, berries are good, nuts here and there. No grains, no beans. Only drink water. For meats, eat fish and grass-fed, grass-finished beef only.
If you do this, the fat will melt off your body soooo fast. Then you have to do core excercise to get muscle definition. Weight loss is ALL about what you eat. Not excercise and not HOW much you eat. If you follow the diet above, you can eat however much you want.
I've never had a game affect me in any deep way. At least, not on the level that a few movies and some music has. But I'm fully open to it and try as hard as I can to get emotionally involved in them, but they just don't reach that level yet for me.
The one that has come the closest would be Planescape: Torment.
I don't have this problem at all. If it's an older game, it usually has an update the first time I play it. Sometimes a larger update, sometimes just a little one, but it always only takes a few moments, whereas with the PS3 it takes forever to update games. But it's certainly not an everyday or even really every monthkinda thing, in my experience.
As long as it get good reviews, I'm gonna buy it right when it comes out. Usually I wait for a price drop, but I want to support this game for trying something different (as long as it's good, of course).
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