Please don't post in this thread if you dislike the game or want to talk about the flaws in the writing. There's a really funny thread you can Google under "If you were Shepard" which will definately make you LOL if you like finding holes in the story.
In ME1, on Vermire, the Sovereign interface tells you that the Reapers have no beginning and are eternal, when you ask who made them (since they are machines after all). Does anyone have a theory on this? Ignoring Mass Effect 2, where you realise not allGeth are bad, I'm thinking theReapers are really like the Geth. Imagine a giant network of hive mindedsemi machines (I say semi since ME2 shows the reapers break organics down and use the minerals from their bodies to form the metal of new reaper bodies). Surely thatnetwork, which seesnew machines created and old ones terminate, would believe that 'time' began with the network's beginning and also that without the network, there is nothing. My theory is some race, notunlike humans, built the reapers to help them establish universal supremacy and the project was definately made of fail.
I have two additional thoughts which have always peed me off.
1. While the big bang theory is acceptable to me as beginning the universe, what was there before the big bang? Especially as many scientists say that the universe has ALWAYS been there (no time). How tf can their be no time? Imagine time as a piece of string? No matter how long you make that string, it still has to have a beginning and an end. Even if you place that string in a circle shape, it still has to have a join or an original beginning!
2. It is widely believed that the universe goes on forever. How tf can anything go on forever? Imagine the universe as a big sphere... but it's bigger than that since it goes on forever... so imagine it bigger... and bigger... and as big as forever. It's still a darned sphere and as such has an outside edge. So what's outside that? If the blackness ends, is it white? No, it can't be as there has to be light for it to be white, but it can't be black or it would still be part of your sphere (just without stars in it). Grrr.
Is my human sized brain too small or is something really wrong with scientific understanding of the universe and time?
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