True, I just had the rifles you start out with but regardless I have a new respect for anyone that is good with this class. I shot a guy 3 times with the MK11 and he hit me once with a sub machine gun and I died.... Maybe the later guns are better but from what I've seen it's insanely hard to be snipe whilst I was pretty good at it in Bad Company 2.
People read all the big news sites *cough cough* and most of their top news consists of how a particular system is a failure or destined to fail. It causes a lot of these assumptions....
I agree with some of the posts above, I'd say Pawn Stars and Storage Wars and shows like that are influencing it quite a bit. Just like most other things Vintage and Antique right now.
1. Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wind Waker (Game Cube) 2. Some Dreamcast Games 3. Goldeneye and the Zeldas for N64 I have enough game systems for the moment I believe lol
Just going to throw this in the hat lol, the difference is so unsubstantial that it makes almost no difference which one you choose. Just get the brand you like :) *cough Nvidia *cough
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