lordlunch2's forum posts
Ok so I've had a crappy white Xbox for a while and it died about a week ago (the fourth one I've had :) ) so I went ahead and bought a 250GB new fancy shmancy one BUT for the life of my I cant remeber what email address I used for it my account. I have a few of them and theres no way I'll remember and I can turn on the dead xbox to find out what it was and I have to have it to recover my gamer tag on this Xbox. Help please :)
Alright so I posted a while back that I was getting about down with PC gaming, but I finally found a game that got me back into it. (Minecraft :D) Still, when I posted that most people seemed to think my processor was the problem with most of my newer games running well (AMD 6000+ dual core) SO I'm thinking this processor would be a good upgrade? (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103921). Would I see a significant update in game performance. Here's my current specs:
AMD 6000+
Geforce GTS 250 1GB
Windows 7
4GB 800MHz Gskill Ram
320GB Hard Drive
23 inch 1080p Acer Monitor
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