@datbush At its core, it is. You want to keep one group of people elevated above another. That is the reality of what you are talking about, and you are trying to keep that reality in the closet.
@datbush Why use the word Civil Unions? Why do you need the word "marriage" to be special just for heterosexuals? Give me one solid logical reason and, please, try to back it up with a legal benefit, not some irrational spiel based on Christian history.
@alenth Seriously, I agree with this political statement, but that doesn't excuse their damn online passes. And please sell Bioware back to MS before you ruin them even further!
@Deathcult87 @lorenzoa88 Its a legal term crafted in the US. Basically, American Christians want to feel special by not allowing the word "marriage" to apply to same sex couples. So they came up with Civil Unions. Most of the Christian hatred for homoesexuals comes out of Leviticus in the Bible. Leviticus also states that it's ok for me to enslave people as long as they are from another nation. And since you're British, you're fare game for a slave collar :D
I remember when Zynga was on top of the world and thinking how stupid that was. When will people learn that social gamers are incredibly fickle? Have a division cater to them. Don't make a whole company that does that. Can't say I'd be surprised if the whole company collapsed, but that's what you get for devoting yourself to easily made games for an audience that will inevitably lose interest.
@fadersdream True, but they are going to have a really difficult time re-branding to cater to a more devoted gamer audience. So far, a lot of 3rd party developers are ignoring the WiiU. Somehow, Nintendo is going to have to entice them into making games for the WiiU. They can't ride on Mario's shoulders forever. I'm not a fan of the WiiU or anything, but for competition's sake, I hope they find a way to secure their place in the market. Ultimately, competition is good for consumers. The one thing I like so far about Nintendo's practices is their refusal to jump on the DLC, online pass bandwagon and I wish the other consoles would do the same.
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