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Edited By lorenzoa88

@nintendoboy16 @lorenzoa88 I agree with that, just pointing out that GS was prob just citing Nintendo's website.

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@alrepairs It says Emergency Maintenance on Nintendo's website. WTF with Nintendo fanboys bashing on Gamespot for reporting news? You guys are relentless. I swear if Gamespot even mentions Nintendo, one of you has a fit. Go look for yourself:


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@nintendoboy16 Wow, defensive much? It says so on Nintendo's website. Go look, scroll down, it's boxed in in red writing: "Emergency Maintenance."


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@Ciscod1 Dude, you can't change the reality that the WiiU isn't performing well and that numerous 3rd party developers don't have any plans to make games for it. That isn't the fault of Gamespot. If you're mad about this you should contact the developers and tell them to stop being biased against Nintendo. Right now you're just hating on the messenger.

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Edited By lorenzoa88

@Ciscod1 Seriously, what are you talking about? There isn't any bashing going on here. They decided not to make the game for the WiiU, which is what this article is stating, and you are accusing Gamespot of being biased? A lot of third party developers aren't making games for the WiiU. Why don't you ask Nintendo why that is instead going around accusing news sources of being biased. They're just reporting the news. The only person here who is biased is you.

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@xXdraky That's all fine and good but your argument doesn't hold up to the numbers. If a console isn't selling, it isn't selling, no matter how you spin it. I think this article is trying to address this problem. If third party developers are not interested in making games for your console, you have a problem. The point being, Nintendo's franchises are good and very popular, but are they singularly enough to keep the Wii U going? So I disagree with you. I don't see any hypocrisy in this article. They aren't saying that the mario, zelda etc games are bad, they are asking, are they enough?

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@DarkReign2552 Why are so many people predicting that ESO is the end of single player Elder Scrolls games? Arena came out in 1994. Daggerfall 1996. Morrowind 2002. Oblivion 2006. Skyrim 2011. You're not going to get another single player Elder Scolls game for at least 3-6 years and ESO isn't going to have anything to do with time it takes for the next single player game to get released. Zenimax is spearheading ESO. Bethesda is a big company, I think they can handle multiple game developments. Relax.

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I am slightly dumbfounded by the number of people making comments about this trailer not containing gameplay and not looking like what the game will actually look like. This is a marketing trailer to get people pumped. About every game has one of these. Any Blizzard fans should know this best of all.

They have a 9 minute intro video that is all gameplay here:


Maybe actually look the game up first before you start attacking it. As to whether it will succeed, who can say? Either you like MMOs or you don't. I think some MMO'ers have unrealistic expectations with each MMO that comes out. I'm still playing SWTOR and I enjoy it. I thought WoW was one of the most boring games I've ever played but roughly 10 million people disagree with me, and that's fine.

On the other hand, it's important to remember the environment that WoW started in. That is, it had almost no competition and was leagues ahead of its much older predecessors. Blizzard itself has a large following so that really helped. It's had nearly a decade to develop (original WoW had basically no end game content). Comparing every MMO that comes out to WoW to me is a bit of a mistake. I think WoW is a fluke and its level of success is not likely to happen again in the MMO universe for a long time.

The MMO market is now saturated with options, each hoping to take WoW down. But the people who play WoW have prob been playing for years and are so emotionally and psychologically (and financially) invested in the game that they aren't going to leave it permanently until a new MMO actually looks like this cinematic trailer, and we are years away from that reality. My advice is to quit comparing MMOs to WoW and just play what you enjoy. I think ESO will be fun, but I'm not expecting it to change my life or redefine the MMO industry.

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@2bitSmOkEy @finalkain I wish that the greed of Diablo 3 were a rare case in the gaming industry, but instead its becoming the norm. At least there is some remorse on the part of Blizzard here, although it appears to really be more about the chief exec doing what every chief exec should do, which is to take the blame for a product's failure.

Meanwhile, EA gleefully pursues money schemes without any remorse, from their Online Passes, to their incomplete games (to be completed with DLC), to ramming games through development to make a quick buck (hi DA2. wtf did Bioware sell themselves to such a shit company?). Blizzard and other big companies are really starting to follow in EA's footsteps. Even the way they handled Starcraft 2 left a sour taste in my mouth. I really have no interest in the "expansions." What's worse is that gaming companies have done everything possible to maximize profit at the expense of consumers, including the removal of manuals, so called "green" game cases with holes in them, and the worst of it all, Online Passes and day 1 DLC that should be on the effing disc already.

I understand that companies need to continue making money if they are continuously developing, adding, updating and providing support for a game, but seriously come up with a different method. How about a cheap subscription, $5/month instead of $15? If 1 million had subscribed to Diablo 3 for $5 a month, that's $5 million/month. Is that really not enough money to keep a game running? Or how about we go back to the days when real expansions were actually made. Expansions that add some substantial content and many more hours of playtime. What happened to that model?

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@Venatorcruiser There was a car you could build in Fallout 2. It was basically essential, however, since they didn't have true fast travel.