@DarthLod @FollowY0urBliss So game companies can't dictate laws but religions can? And how is having equal rights a special right? You want to know who gets special rights? Handicapped people. Do you rage out every time you see someone in a wheelchair? Does it make you mad that someone with only one arm gets to park closer to a store than you do? **** off.
@Rayzakk There wouldn't be any Christian haters if Christians would stop trying to oppress groups of people. Something your breed of humanity excels at. Burning women at the stake for looking at you wrong, forcing women to stay in the home, using the bible to endorse slavery and later segregation, the inquisition, doing nothing about the holocaust, persecuting any non-Christians, persecuting other Christians who are not in your sect of Christianity, traveling to indigenous cultures and destroying their culture because you just had to spread the word of the lord. Yes, you are all so full of love. Homosexuals are just the current flavor of your hatred. Once the laws change, and they inevitably will, you'll move on to another group of people to hate and oppress. You have throughout history and I don't see that ever changing.
@jcnba28 @lorenzoa88 @foxrock66 So you're ok with slavery as long as slaves, male or female, come from other nations? And are you also ok with the statement that people who work on the Sabbath should be put to death? Because both of those statements are found in Leviticus which is where the issues with homosexuality are also discussed. If you agree with the statement that homosexuality is a sin, but not with the statement that slavery is ok, can you please explain how and why you arbitrarily decided to pick to agree with one of God's dictates over another?
lorenzoa88's comments