@xboticon: I have a 4k tv so I will buy both the new xbox 1 s and a ps pro so that I can use the 4k and hdr feature.
Some people actually play games.
Some people actually buy every console and play every game possible in stead of getting mad and jealous.
That's why you bash xbox because secretly you wish you picked xbox over ps. Just buy one already and you'll realize that they are both the practically the same. Unless you are not a true gamer and just another Pony fan. Then I feel sorry for you. I hope you get that greatness that awaits. Oh wait you have to buy a ps pro for that because greatness never came to the og ps4.
@jonnybrownieboy: the benifit is that you can download and play the game on multiple consoles at the same time. Microsoft gave me a free copy of gta 5 but I turned it into 2 copies now my wife and I can't play gta together.
@Yams1980: sorry bud but every big game will need a day one patch. Blu rays can only hold around 50gb so the game wasn't going to fit anyway. Pretty much all ps4 pro and scorpio game will require a 20gb day one patch. That or the game will need a second disc. The game is finished it went gold last week.
@Moonco: to be fair the game went gold last week and it wasn't going to fit on one disc. Gears of wars games are always well polished I'm sure it will be just fine.
@savagerodent: even if the game was perfect you would still need a 5gb download. The entire game didn't fit on the disc unless you think it makes more sense to get an extra disc and a month later.
@MetaMods: games were much simpler back then. Ps2 games usually ran about 3gb. Even with all of its testing most games were launched with plenty of bugs.
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