@dmblum1799 It's not about sales or profit, or money at all. It's also not about the game that most people played (that was cod blops2. It's about what gamespot thought was the best game made this year. It's not the first exclusive to win goty either. halo won, so did uncharted 2, and I think fable, and demon souls.
@Jaxith If Mr. Lanza had had a knife instead of a gun do you think he still would have been able to kill that many people? The NRA does as much as it possible can to have as little gun control in the USA as possible. The NRA didn't cause this tragedy but they certainly are not doing enough to stop things like this from happening.
@LesserAngel Well if you can find some statistics that say otherwise that would be great. But just saying it seems low isn't going to get us anywhere. As for urban decay Tokyo is much bigger than any city in USA and London is about the same or bigger than New York or LA. Also, this isn't about theft it's about gun homicide. They have more people with bigger more dense cities and FAR FAR few gun deaths. Want to know why? They have gun control laws, its that simple.
@LesserAngel Did you add them up or are you just guessing? Because those countries have a combined population of about 384 million people, and the USA has about 314 million people.
"if you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia, you'll get a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 32,000 gun deaths last year, they had 112. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature? Or do you think it's because those guys have gun control laws?"
They sell the same violent video games in all of those countries too.
I think he still likes making MGS games, but I did hear that he wanted to kill off snake at the end of MGS4 but for some reason or another ended up not doing it.
lumbergoose's comments