m3Boarder32's forum posts
No I don't . I am trying to wait to see if they will release a Blu ray for the 360Edsterctsv
Dude, they're not going to release a BD drive for the 360.................
i want my blu ray JAWS !!!. they only reason universal is with HD DVD right now is casue the HD DVD camp is paying universal huge amounts of money to stay with them. I wonder if HD DVD just cant afford it anymore.
This and the rumor announcment of STAR WARS blu ray will end HD DVD.
Yeah, cuz FUD ends format wars..
And the Lord of the Rings will becoming to Blu-ray as the Extended Edition, and HD-DVD will only be getting the theatrical editions of the movie. However, this should be in SYstem Wars.ctmab
Where did you read that? Link please
Or, get the new Samsung Blu-Ray player that features the same exact scaling chip, for not that much more money, and take much less of a risk of having an upscaling doorstop later.Kodai_kun
Spare me the fanboy FUD
Xbox360 PS3
1. Mass Effect 1. MGS4
2. Too Human 2. FF 13
3. Lost Oddysey 3. Ratchet And Clank
4. Blue Dragon 4. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
5. Forza 2 5. Killzone 2
6. Halo 3 6. Eight Days
7. Lair
8. Warhawk
9. Jack & Daxter
10. Heavenly Sword
11. WarDevil
If its on the PC its not Exclusive. And Dont add already released gamesGsSanAndreas
Since you cows refuse to stop hiding behind the PC...........
MotoGP 2007
Mass Effect
Halo 3
Too Human
Blue Dragon
Forza 2
Project Slypheed
Tenchu Z
Vampire Rain
Eternal Sonata
Lost Odyssey
Mobil Ops: The One Year War
Left 4 Dead
Ace Combat 6
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