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#1 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Did anyone read the actual source where all those links got that info from?


It says "...Fuh Yuan electronic corporation from Taiwan just built a new factory to manufacture blue laser HD-DVD cores."


This sounds suspiciously more like Blu-Ray. don't get me wrong, but a lot of people seem to be misinterpretting this news (which was originally translated from Chinese). If you look at the slashdot comments, someone actually pointed out that the article was misinterpreted, and that it should have actually been Blu-ray, not HD-DVD.


You do know HD-DVD lasers use blue lasers.....right?

Anywho, if there is some confusion on the matter, I'd presume WalMart will clarify.  Whoever is the benefactor of this news will have a major leverage in the format wars.

Check out Engadget


Update: Pull back the reigns HD DVD fanboys, Akihabara now says that they've made a "huge mistake" with their translation: the original source called it "藍光 HD DVD and 藍光 means Blu-RAY." In other words, Blu-ray HD DVD. Huh? Word to the wise: since both formats use blue lasers, it's best to wait for an English press release before either camp celebrates.

The symbol 藍光 means "blue". That's it, not "Blue-ray" use google translator if you dont belive me. Or Bablefish



You caN even Google the above symbols, and you get this:

藍光- Wikipedia

- 簡 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page ]


CLICK on "Translate this page"

What did you get?

Check out the "Bluray Player" forum at AVSFORUM.COM

85% of the Bluray forum believes it's about HD DVD. The freaking Bluray forum!! If i made this poll in the HD DVD forum at avsforum.com then it would have been over 95% thinking it's about HD DVD


Also, answer me this...Where is "Blu-ray" in the original chinese article?  I don't see "Blu-ray" anywhere,  only "HD DVD"  they even spelt "HD DVD" correctly,  without the hyphen.  The trademarked name is "HD DVD" not "HD-DVD"

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#2 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

I don't know a single human with an HD-DVD player.DA_B0MB

The Chinese HD-DVD players will change that ;) 

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#3 m3Boarder32
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looks like a mod arrived
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#4 m3Boarder32
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The mods obviously aren't around...They would have locked the format war threads long ago...

Typical mods,  never around when ya need them.  And always abusing their powers when they are around.. 

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#5 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Oh yes 1 more win for blu-ray


More disappointing news for HD DVD came today with the results of Nielsen Video Scan's sales data for high definition DVDs. According to the firm, Blu-ray movies outsold HD DVD2-to-1 for the third month in a row. "


According to the report, Blu-ray outsold HD-DVD an impressive 9:2 while dominating the top sellers list. The only HD-DVD movie to even make an appearence on the list was "The Departed


On April 15th, members of the AVS Forum organized a HD-DVD buying spree with the hopes of overtaking the monthly dominated Blu-ray sales. AVS members chose April 15th because it would mark the one year anniversary of HD-DVD. This structured spending spree was clearly labeled a success as retailers witnessed thousands of HD-DVD titles being bought off of Amazon and other major HD-DVD retailers such as Best Buy.

In retaliation, the
Blu-ray camp and PlayStation fanbase, out of surprise at the success of the stunt, decided to hold their own "Buy-A-Thon," but vowed to accomplish even greater sales numbers...

Light Blue = Blu-ray
Black = Hd-dvd


Enough with the BD ouselling HD-DVD 9:2 BS already!!! That was for 1 week, and 1 week only!!  That was also 5 weeks ago!! Get over it!!!!!!

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#6 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="Kimahriii"]If you wanna talk about the format war I don't think it much of a war its pretty much blu-ray beating HD-DVD by 9:1 theres over 3million blu-ray players just counting PS3s sold and then the stand-alone players and blu-ray sales are killing HD-DVD.Kimahriii

BD movies are outselling HD-DVD movies 1.2:1...Oh knows, the beatdown.......It's like a 10% lead..

Its much more then 1.2:1.


Not Since Inception. 

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#7 m3Boarder32
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If you wanna talk about the format war I don't think it much of a war its pretty much blu-ray beating HD-DVD by 9:1 theres over 3million blu-ray players just counting PS3s sold and then the stand-alone players and blu-ray sales are killing HD-DVD.Kimahriii

BD movies are outselling HD-DVD movies 1.2:1...Oh knows,  the beatdown.......It's like a 10% lead..

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#8 m3Boarder32
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i so love how fanboys contradict them selves on a daily basis. i love it how fanboys been saying their is a small percent of HDTV's owners and that HDTV's wont be selling well for next year or so. then all of sudden they are like Bam blu ray is going to be de throned by walmart and HD DVD. well fanboys since your logic states that hardly any one owns a HDTV, and are selling poorly. how and the hxx is cheap hd dvd players are going to de throne Blu ray?

There is a reason why i have not bought a hd dvd add on for my 360. that is because of ps3. ever since it hit hte market here in the US, the blu ray software sales have been giving a beat down on HD dvd software.  no matter how you want ot spin it, blu ray is going ot keep out selling hd dvd software due to the ps3. and guess what , those movies companies that back up blu ray are going to continue making money, and blu ray format is going to continue out selling hd dvd on a monthly basis.

but like i said, i just love how fanboys contradict them selves on a daily basis.


Who are these fanboys?  SDTV fanboys?  WTF do SDTV fanboys have to do with the format war??

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#9 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="tacubano"]HD-DVD VS BLUE-RAY stand alone ... is not math problem, 1000 dollar machine vs a 300 or 200 one that is EXACTLY THE SAME IN PICTURE QUALITY...how is stupid enough to pay 1000 bucks for a movie player....i heard in the av forums that HD-DVD is now beating blue-ray...because movies like the matrix trilogy and the LOTR trilogy are coming and because of the low sales of the pstriple.ShockerD19

matrix and lotr are coming to bluray also. and bluray is currently selling almost 3 times as much as hd-dvd.


also, best buy is the largest electronics retailer in america, people go there for electronics, not walmart.

While I do like Best Buy it is nowhere near what Wal-Mart puts out in sales and that includes electronics. Market value for Wal-mart is $205 Billion while best buy is only $22 billion

best buy is the largest electronics retailer in america, they do more than walmart does in electronics.

Walmart is responsible for 40% of DVD sales in America

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#10 m3Boarder32
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What I think is interesting is the complete denial from the BD fanboys.

There has been a slow progression in the denial since the announcement.
First it is "this could be a BD player".
Second "it's nobody will buy them at Wallmart".
Then it's "who cares it's "only" 2 million players".
Now it seems every BD fan seems to think the BDA will just match prices.

Well lets look at the price issue.
Since the launch HD DVD has been cheaper $500 vs $1000+.
Right now there is the discontinued 1st gen samsung and discontinued PS3 20GB for $500. The next low cost option is the PS3 60GB at $600. Every standalone BD player is $800-$1200.

This fall Summer is launching their 2nd gen player for $600 so that brings the cost of entry in BD world from $600 to $600. Sony expects street pricing to be around $500 by Christmas. Sony has stated they have no plans for a $300 player in 2007

Right now you can get into HD DVD at multiple price points all of which are lower cost than BD.
HD-D1 - $300
HD-A2 - $330
HD-A20 - $380
HD-XA2 - $520

Despite this there has been no downward pricing on BD players. BD can't even make an entry level $400 player but suddenly in a few months when entry level HD DVD players are $200-$300 they will suddenly cut their prices by over 60%? Please.

Starting this summer and moving into Christmas HD DVD will be $200-$500 and BD will be $500 - $1000.

Wallmart calculates the value of every square footage of retail space. They take gross profit of an item and divide it by the sq footage in their stores devoted to it. They are not interested like most B&M stores on the return on capital but more so on the return on space. That's why you see items like $40 DVD players given good locations. Despite the gross margins of likely $6 they sell enough to make the profit / sq foot very high. If they are buying 2 million players then they anticipate being able to move them quickly.

If Walmart sells 1 million + players per year the studios will have to listen. Wallmart will want movies to sell to those customers buying these players. Since Walmart owns about 2/5 of the DVD retail market in the US the studios will listen very closely. When Walmart tells Disney we sold $1.2 billion of your product last year and now we would like you to consider going format neutral so we both can sell a couple hundred million worth of HD material for you it will at least require some high level discussions.

Don't think for a second they wont throw their weight around. Reduce inventory just slightly give another product better positioning and they could cause Disney's expected revenue for a week to move down 5%. Without alienating their customers it is a not so subtle way of showing the studios who is really in charge.