That add-on is garbage. I wouldn't bother buying HD-DVD at all yet without Fox and Disney on board.
If Walmart sells the 2 million Chinese HD DVD players by the end of the year, Fox and Disney will jump on board. Count on it.
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That add-on is garbage. I wouldn't bother buying HD-DVD at all yet without Fox and Disney on board.
If Walmart sells the 2 million Chinese HD DVD players by the end of the year, Fox and Disney will jump on board. Count on it.
[QUOTE="Chris-Hansen"]yeah i work at walmart and we couldnt move the thing out of stores here in LA, we had to cut the price almost in half. and i havent heard much about the big hd dvd purchase but i heard they might actually be bluray players from my boss but she said she hasnt heard much she aint an executive. i saw a translation and it said "blue hd player" and that it would be easier to manufacture now that they didnt use cartridges anymore, bluray used to use carts. hd dvd never did.Javy03
Not just that but the HD DVD camp wont even confirm it. Check It sounds alot like a bad translated rumor.
"The biggest news to hit the format war in some time hit last week with word that Wal-Mart and China's Great Wall corporation struck a deal to bring inexpensive HD DVD players to market. While this is would be great news for all HD fans, we were left a bit worrisome by the translation dispute between the two camps. Just to make sure we had our facts straight, we updated the post and contacted HD DVD to get the full story. While the HD DVD camp reminded us that they have inexpensive players from China on the way, they weren't able to confirm any "specific reports relating to Wal-Mart". It seems to us that if this were indeed true, that the HD DVD camp would be the first to trumpet its significance to their success in the format war. As much as we all want inexpensive next generation HD disc players, we will just have to wait for something more official before we hold off on our purchases waiting for Wal-Mart."
Yeah cuz Engadget is not biased or anything..The first thing Engadget reported was that is was Blu-ray players...Then when they updated there story and changed it to HD-DVD they said.
"Update: Pull back the reigns HD DVD fanboys, Akihabara now says that they've made a "huge mistake" with their translation: the original source called it "藍光 HD DVD and 藍光 means Blu-RAY." In other words, Blu-ray HD DVD. Huh? Word to the wise: since both formats use blue lasers, it's best to wait for an English press release before either camp celebrates."
HD DVD Fanboys huh? :roll:
yeah i work at walmart and we couldnt move the thing out of stores here in LA, we had to cut the price almost in half. and i havent heard much about the big hd dvd purchase but i heard they might actually be bluray players from my boss but she said she hasnt heard much she aint an executive. i saw a translation and it said "blue hd player" and that it would be easier to manufacture now that they didnt use cartridges anymore, bluray used to use carts. hd dvd never did.Chris-Hansen
WTF is with you guys and changing the translation?
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翻譯標記 本條目正在從英語版本翻譯成中文。
藍光光碟乃由其採用的藍色激光光束來進行讀寫操作而得名。藍光光碟指的並不是單一產品,也不是專用於某一特定產品的名稱,凡是採 用藍色光束的光碟都可稱為藍光光碟。
[编辑] 目前商品化的藍光光碟產品
* BD(Blu-ray Disc)
[编辑] 藍光概觀
Blue lasers have applications in many areas ranging from opto-electronic data storage at high-density to medical applications. Until the mid 1990s, blue lasers were large and expensive gas laser instruments which relied on population inversion in rare gas mixtures and needed high currents and strong cooling. In the mid 1990s Shuji Nakamura at Nichia Chemical Industries in Anan (Tokushima-ken, Japan), made a series of inventions and developed commercially viable blue and violet semiconductor lasers based on gallium nitride compound sectors by using quantum wells or quantum dots spontaneously formed via self-assembly. This invention enabled the development of small, convenient and low priced blue, violet and ultraviolet UV lasers which had not been available before and opened the way for applications such as high-density HD DVD data storage and BD(Blu-ray Disc). The shorter wavelength allows it to read discs containing much more information.
Blue laser light usually has a relatively low input-to-power efficiency. Blue lasers usually operate at around 472 nanometers.
The use of indium gallium nitride as a semiconductor material suitable for formation of quantum heterostructures has been proposed. Recently, CdS/ZnS quantum dots have been used as the gain material in spherical Whispering Gallery Mode lasers; see Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86:073102.
Shuji Nakamura built his blue laser prototype from the gallium nitride crystal developed by Unipress, the Warsaw Center for High Pressure Research, part of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Also, answer me this...Where is "Blu-ray" in the original chinese article? I don't see "Blu-ray" anywhere, only "HD DVD" they even spelt "HD DVD" correctly, without the hyphen. The trademarked name is "HD DVD" not "HD-DVD"
It makes no sense, Blu-ray is also trademarked, just like HD DVD, DVD, TDK, and Walmart. So Blu-ray would be in English if they meant Blu-ray
If they meant Blu-ray, the disk format. Why not say something like "Blu-ray 高清晰度磁盘"
Which means "Blu-ray High Definition Disk"
If you're looking for a great deal on HD DVD drives for the Xbox 360, now's the perfect time to hit up Sam's Club. Reader Chris tipped us off to this $72 deal, which is coming as a result of "Wal-mart" not stocking these HD DVD drives anymore. Chris isn't sure whether they meant only Sam's Club or Sam's Club and Wal-mart, but you're probably set on getting one at Sam's. Incidentally, can anyone see if Wal-mart is doing this as well?
In light of recent announcements from Wal-mart that they're going to stock tons of cheap HD DVD drives, having an even cheaper drive for the Xbox 360 may not make sense. They don't want to confuse and conflict with what they're trying to do there. - Jason Chen
Thanks Chris!
维基百科,自由的百科全书(重定向自藍光光碟) 跳转到: 导航, 搜索
[编辑] 目前商品化的藍光光碟產品
[编辑] 藍光概觀
Blue lasers have applications in many areas ranging from opto-electronic data storage at high-density to medical applications. Until the mid 1990s, blue lasers were large and expensive gas laser instruments which relied on population inversion in rare gas mixtures and needed high currents and strong cooling. In the mid 1990s Shuji Nakamura at Nichia Chemical Industries in Anan (Tokushima-ken, Japan), made a series of inventions and developed commercially viable blue and violet semiconductor lasers based on gallium nitride compound sectors by using quantum wells or quantum dots spontaneously formed via self-assembly. This invention enabled the development of small, convenient and low priced blue, violet and ultraviolet UV lasers which had not been available before and opened the way for applications such as high-density HD DVD data storage and BD(Blu-ray Disc). The shorter wavelength allows it to read discs containing much more information.
Blue laser light usually has a relatively low input-to-power efficiency. Blue lasers usually operate at around 472 nanometers.
The use of indium gallium nitride as a semiconductor material suitable for formation of quantum heterostructures has been proposed. Recently, CdS/ZnS quantum dots have been used as the gain material in spherical Whispering Gallery Mode lasers; see Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 86:073102.
Shuji Nakamura built his blue laser prototype from the gallium nitride crystal developed by Unipress, the Warsaw Center for High Pressure Research, part of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
[QUOTE="Vampyronight"] thought I'd post this scan from my dictionary (for all of those who say that it only says "blue").
The character for "Blue" + the character for "light"= Blue Light.
Or quite possibly, (and my dictionary backs this up), the character for "blue" + the character for "ray"= Blue Ray....or possibly, Blu-ray.
Thank god we have the Google translator, because it NEVER gets things wrong. :roll: (seriously, put only that character in and translate comes with a dash, clearly an error)
Seriously...Does it really matter? The two symbols does not mean "Blu-ray" the disk format. If your talking about "Blu-ray" then you put it in english because "Blu-ray" is trademarked, and you can't just use symbols for the trademarked name "Blu-ray".
If they meant "Blu-ray HD Disk" then "Blu-ray" would still be in english, and the "HD Disk" part or the "high definition disk" part would be in chinese characters...Do you get it?
the funny thing is -- what are the chances Walk Mart won't change its mind ?
Look at it this way -- By 2008 ( when Wal Mart of going to fully support HD DVD with the $199 - $299 players)
a) Blu-ray will have such a great lead that in Japan and Australia and New Zealand it will win - in the US it will survive ...
b) Blu-ray players (include PS3) will exceed 10 million sold ....
c) Blu-ray players will be priced at $299 -- only slighly above HD DVD.
d) HD DVD might even be dead !
Walmart can't change it's mind, Contracts are written in ink.
Hmmm, Haven't $300 HD DVD players existed for sale before WAL-MART???Blinblingthing
Yes, but Joe Six Pack does not look online for the best deals possible. That's not how you reach the masses. The cheapest HD DVD player available at a retail stores is the Toshiba HDD1 at Walmart for $360. To Joe Six Pack $199 and $360 is a huge difference
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