I really do hope that Sony reconizes that this is a very common problem and that alot of people are getting concerned about the future of Blu-Ray. As the Film industry changes so will the demand for better picture quality.What we all think is the Cream of the Crop to day will be outdated and sub par tommorow.The industry tells us whats the best out there in terms of quality.They release a new TV and say its the top of the line, new technolagy, so we buy it.Its a consumers world , other companys are aware of this, we want to be amazed everytime we watch a movie.We have been totaly and uterly desensatized and are standards are way to high for any company to provide us with what we want.There is going to be a few that will accepte whats put infront of them, and there will be others that will demand for more.I've relized that after stateing my consurnes about the Blu-Ray quality that i am one that wants more. Companys are waching as we fight over whats the best format. They are biding there time ,waiting to release there devistating blow to the market. Slowly you'll see more and more companys makeing claims that they can produse a 500gig or even a 50,000gig disc that has been dubbed "the protien disc". Did anyone notice what Pentium did to AMD. pentium left them in the dust by supplying multiple versions of there chip so advanced that it made the competiton look dated and sub par.Ask yourself what would you want?
Why is this important to us as PS3 owners?
Dont underestimate the situation by thinking that you'll accept sub par when everyone else blows by us. Blu-Ray is grainy!! and needs to be fixed. It needed to be fixed yesterday because today they are talking about 500g disc and tomorrow will be 50,000 gig disc.
In the next few years when super HD is realesed demanding 6000X4000 lines of resolution you'll all see what i mean.Im not makeing this up they are working on it and its not that far away from being introduced to the public.Even Holographic Tvs are being created. My point to all this is that behind any good technology there needs to be time to perfect itself. Blu-Ray has no time.With compition at there door they cant afford to wait anylonger.The grainynes of Blu-Ray needs to be addressed now.
In the end if its not recognized as a problem it wont be addresed.
Dude...Shutup...Not every movie is grainy...And the one's that are isn't Bluray's fault............ 50,000GB Disk? 60000x4000 resolution? WTF? That's not even 16x9. At least be somewhat realistic and say 5760x3240 (won't be standard in my lifetime).
Grainyness is either cuz the movie is grainy on purpose, or cuz of MPEG2. HD-DVD also has grainy movies ya know..
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