[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="Dire_Weasel"][QUOTE="AgentVX"] Plain and simply, HD-DVD is outselling BluRay as of now. And the PS3 has a 2nd rate BluRay player.
Reading comprehension FTW. Blu-ray has already won the format war, the link was to a petition to keep a dead format alive.
Also, the PS3 is a top-tier blu-ray player. I'm sorry you don't own one or you'd know that. :)
Top Tier? It's the only HD player on either format that does not upscale DVD's...
No uncompressed audio via analog outs, (because it doesnt have them)
No 1080p24..........
Upscale DVDs? What does that have to do with being a blu-ray player? Analog audio outs? Are you serious? I'd hate to see the dinosaur that you use for your theatre sound. :lol:
Read the reviews, HD. The PS3 is an excellent Blu-ray player. I know because I own one. You obviously don't have the TV, the sound system or the high-def player that would let you make an informed opinion, so please leave this debate to those that do, Ok?
Upscaling DVD's is something every other BD player does.....You don't want to upscale DVD's? You've obviously never seen the Reon upscalling processor go to work on the HDXA2, it's the best upscalling DVD player on the market, go read up at avs. The upcoming Samsung BDP1200 will also have that Reon processor.
Analog Outs? I don't use them, but many people at avsforum.com with 5K+ Audio setups swear by them, why don't you go to avsforum.com and try laughing at them......
How convinient of you to ignore the 1080p24 tho..
And BTW, the reviews were comparing the PS3 to crap like the Samsung BDP1000 (Before any Samsung Firmwares too)
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