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#1 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

[QUOTE="drfloyd2001"]why does vivid matter? internet=free pornDoctorBunny

in that case, why does ANY format matter. Internet = FREE movies + FREE conversion tools



Apples and oranges. HD and superior audio can be warranted when watching a 2 hour movie. Not so much when you need 5 minutes of whacking material.

because what YOU like is what the entire world believes right? I guess only what YOU say is pure logic and facts....

I agree with ramey tho,  internet porn for most people is.. find video...download or upstread 30 second clip...look for new video...another 30 seconds...look for new video...another 30 seconds...look for new video... another 30 seconds...Until, well you know..

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#2 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Whoops, someone forgot to tell Disney/Buena Vista that they are exclusive to BD.







Your quoting import sources? Wow.

It proves Buena Vista is not exclusive doesn't it?

Buena Vista is only exclusive in North America,  and all HD-DVD movies are region free


And this helps HD how in the US?  We are after all talking about who will win the format war in the US are we not?

What do you suggest, a person comes into Wal-Mart and asks for a Disney title......you tell them to buy it from Japan?  You think this helps HD in the US?  I'm pretty sure Best Buy and Wal-Mart will laugh if someone said you have to buy it from Japan.

Im not trying to prove this helps HD-DVD,  im simply trying to prove Buena Vista is not exclusive to BD.  Mission Accomplished

No, what you showed is some old titles from Disney are available on HD outside of the US probably back when they were undecided on whether to release on HD and BR.  When I stated it was exclusive, I live and work in the US.  I will give you Japan has some old Disney titles.....can you point to the recent boxoffice titles please?  Oh that's right, there is none because the decision was made to be exclusive to BR (at least common sense tells me that looking at the couple of old Disney titles you get to choose from, I counted 3). 

Reign of Fire came out on BD 2 months ago.....:roll:

The Prestige comes out on HD-DVD next month in the UK...



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#3 m3Boarder32
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Can you guys guess who is who in this picture??

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#4 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Whoops, someone forgot to tell Disney/Buena Vista that they are exclusive to BD.







Your quoting import sources? Wow.

It proves Buena Vista is not exclusive doesn't it?

Buena Vista is only exclusive in North America,  and all HD-DVD movies are region free


And this helps HD how in the US?  We are after all talking about who will win the format war in the US are we not?

What do you suggest, a person comes into Wal-Mart and asks for a Disney title......you tell them to buy it from Japan?  You think this helps HD in the US?  I'm pretty sure Best Buy and Wal-Mart will laugh if someone said you have to buy it from Japan.

Im not trying to prove this helps HD-DVD,  im simply trying to prove Buena Vista is not exclusive to BD.  Mission Accomplished

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#5 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Whoops,  someone forgot to tell Disney/Buena Vista that they are exclusive to BD.





As I stated before, not in the US.  I have no idea if you can buy this in Japan but I just double checked my distriubtors website (VPD), there is no date for that title. 

Right now at this time, you can not buy any of those titles here in the US on HD.  There is not even a release date.  At one point in time there may have been plans, obviously that was scraped.  I have releases out through July, zero Disney titles. 

Who said anything about it being in the U.S.? You have no idea if you can buy it in Japan?  It's a Japanese import, and it's already available,  many people at avsforum have imported it.  It even has English 5.1 Dolby Digital Plus

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#6 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

I think the main reason the dvd was so productive was because the ps2 had a dvd drive in it. I have used my ps2's dvd drive so often, it is my main dvd player.

With this being said, I believe microsoft should have a hd dvd drive in their xbox or atleast in the elite. I think that without the hd drive in their system the hd dvd will fail.

I really want to buy a 360 but this is holding my back. I want a system for the future of movie playing.

The problem I see with the hd drive is microsoft is making it an optional buy.

The reason blu-ray will win is solely because the drive is in the ps3. It comes with it, no need to fork out an extra 100 dollars.

I want microsoft and the hd dvd drive to win. I think their consol has superior games. But, if their format fails I might just get a ps3.


A few problems with your post, 1) MS is not backing HD-DVD, it is the player that is optional to the system. If MS wanted to they could release a blu-ray attachment. :shock: 2) You won't buy a game system due to its movie showing capabilities? WTF? How about the games? I think so many PS2s failed (including mine- I bought 5) due to it being the main movie player. I don't want the same thing to happen to my PS3, I hope it doesn;t at least. 3) Sony put the blu-ray in to win the movie format war, not help with games. Go with games on a gaming console, a novel concept.

Microsoft will never release a blu-ray attachment. Microsoft supports the hd drive. I want a console that most of all plays high quality games but close second, allows me to play movies. A good gaming consol is great, but a console that also plays movies is nice. I am sure I am not the only one that wants to play movies on their console. This is why blu-ray will win. The ps3 includes a blu-ray drive thus making people more likely to buy it not only to play games but also movies.


Actually, microsoft has said they will release a Bluray add-on for the 360 if it wins and the users want it.

That's cool but still It will cost you 

It's not going to happen....Moore said that to a Japanese website,  and the Japanese are BD crazy...I think he was just playing nice with Japan...

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#7 m3Boarder32
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And i'd like to congratulate you as being the only remaing Xbox hater (pre-2003) that kept his original screen name :roll:


What can I say. On a board that consists of at least 75% Xbox fanboys it's been nice to be the dissenting opinion.

FYI, I don't hate the Xbox. It's hardware, not an ideology.

Quite a turnaround from the 2001-2005 days huh :roll:

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#8 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

Whoops, someone forgot to tell Disney/Buena Vista that they are exclusive to BD.







Your quoting import sources? Wow.

It proves Buena Vista is not exclusive doesn't it?

Buena Vista is only exclusive in North America,  and all HD-DVD movies are region free


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#9 m3Boarder32
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Plain and simply, HD-DVD is outselling BluRay as of now. And the PS3 has a 2nd rate BluRay player.


Reading comprehension FTW. Blu-ray has already won the format war, the link was to a petition to keep a dead format alive.

Also, the PS3 is a top-tier blu-ray player. I'm sorry you don't own one or you'd know that. :)

Top Tier? It's the only HD player on either format that does not upscale DVD's...

No uncompressed audio via analog outs, (because it doesnt have them)

No 1080p24..........

Upscale DVDs? What does that have to do with being a blu-ray player? Analog audio outs? Are you serious? I'd hate to see the dinosaur that you use for your theatre sound. :lol:

Read the reviews, HD. The PS3 is an excellent Blu-ray player. I know because I own one. You obviously don't have the TV, the sound system or the high-def player that would let you make an informed opinion, so please leave this debate to those that do, Ok?

Upscaling DVD's is something every other BD player does.....You don't want to upscale DVD's?  You've obviously never seen the Reon upscalling processor go to work on the HDXA2,  it's the best upscalling DVD player on the market,  go read up at avs.  The upcoming Samsung BDP1200 will also have that Reon processor.

Analog Outs?  I don't use them,  but many people at avsforum.com with 5K+ Audio setups swear by them,  why don't you go to avsforum.com and try laughing at them......

How convinient of you to ignore the 1080p24 tho..

And BTW,  the reviews were comparing the PS3 to crap like the Samsung BDP1000 (Before any Samsung Firmwares too)

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