[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="04dcarraher"] lol no, $610 is only needed to match PS4 $710 if you need a OS. mitu123Lol "only" 76% more money to match PS4. Great argument you have thereYeah that's almost double the amount of a PS4... And I need a controller for my PC, so add another $50..
m3Boarder32's forum posts
lol no, $610 is only needed to match PS4 $710 if you need a OS. Lol "only" 76% more money to match PS4. Great argument you have there[QUOTE="SKaREO"]It would cost at least 3 times as much money to have a PC equal a PS4. That's not including gaming grade mechanical keyboard and laser mouse, which would be another ~$200. PC gaming is for people with more money than brains these days. I spent like $2500 on my PC 3 years ago and I have no intention of upgrading it after the PS4 drops.04dcarraher
That is your opinion. It can not be backed up factually due to this.
In my opinion arcade racers, yearly sports rehashes, and automated movie games do not count. Yet I don't let my opinion get in the way and count them anyways.
Gamespot Exclusives this gen:
PC: 120+
The 3 Consoles: 30 eachÂ
PC wins this thread, and there is no way debating out of that.
Oh Please... please list these GOOD 120+ exclusives on PC...
I have 140+ games on Steam... and nearly all of them are available on other platforms... except for gems like FTL, Orcs Must Die and such... but I'd hardly put those games up against the likes of Halo3, InFamous 2, God Of War 3, Gears of War 3, etc.
I'd take a one-hour indie walking simulator over God of War 3. 'cause God of War 3 sucks. Your opinion sucks[QUOTE="moistsandwich"]
There seems to be 2 types of PC gamers... those who are into table top, large scale turn based strategies... or "virgins" for short. And the guys who just want the best version of multiplats, which would be my category. PC outside of indies, doesnt have much for exclusives, much thats good, i mean.
That is your opinion. It can not be backed up factually due to this.
In my opinion arcade racers, yearly sports rehashes, and automated movie games do not count. Â Yet I don't let my opinion get in the way and count them anyways.
Gamespot Exclusives this gen:
PC: 120+
The 3 Consoles: 30 eachÂ
PC wins this thread, and there is no way debating out of that.
lol u dont even know what you're counting anymoreIt would cost at least 3 times as much money to have a PC equal a PS4. That's not including gaming grade mechanical keyboard and laser mouse, which would be another ~$200. PC gaming is for people with more money than brains these days. I spent like $2500 on my PC 3 years ago and I have no intention of upgrading it after the PS4 drops.SKaREOGet rid of your garbage signature dude

Take off Dark Souls and LA Noire and then the list is fine.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"] Too many to list. But here are the AAA Console Exclusives Dark Souls Gears of War 3 Halo Reach Red Dead Redemption Forza 3 Halo 3 Forza 2 Halo 4 GRAW LA Noire Top Spin 4 Rockband 3 Vanquish NHL 11 Super Street Fighter IV Bayonetta Halo 3 ODST Beatles Rock Band Gears of War 2 Civilization Revolution Rock Band Perfect Dark zero MGS4 Uncharted 2 Puppeteer Ni no Kuni Uncharted 3 Little Big Planet 2 God of War 3 Infamous MLB 09 The Show Killzone. 2 Resistance 2 Little Big Planet Ninja Gaiden Sima Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario galaxy Super Smash Brawl WarioWare Smooth Moves The Last Story Xenoblade Chronicles Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Okami No More Heroes Outland The Dishwasher Vampire Smile Geometry Wars 2 Sound Shapes Journey Comet CrashGarGx1
How many systems do you need to play those? May as well have added in handhelds as well :roll:
He specifically asked for console exclusives, those are console exclusives[QUOTE="Davekeeh"]what are good console exclusives?? Here are the Superb Console Exclusives, wayyyy too many to list good and great games.. Gears of War 3 Halo Reach Red Dead Redemption Forza 3 Halo 3 Forza 2 Halo 4 GRAW Top Spin 4 Rockband 3 Vanquish NHL 11 Super Street Fighter IV Bayonetta Halo 3 ODST Beatles Rock Band Gears of War 2 Civilization Revolution Rock Band Perfect Dark Zero MGS4 Uncharted 2 Puppeteer Ni no Kuni Uncharted 3 Little Big Planet 2 God of War 3 Infamous MLB 09 The Show Killzone. 2 Resistance 2 Little Big Planet Ninja Gaiden Sima Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario Galaxy Super Smash Brawl WarioWare Smooth Moves The Last Story Xenoblade Chronicles Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Okami No More Heroes Outland The Dishwasher Vampire Smile Geometry Wars 2 Sound Shapes Journey Comet CrashOut of the park baseball 2007
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