There seems to be a wealth of testosterone-driven pissing matches about the relative merits of different consoles on this board. There is a dearth of well reasoned arguments for why one owns a system though. It is clearly transparent that many own a system simply because it is the one mom and dad bought them, and they'll defend their system to the (red ring of) death.
Folks need to realize,however, that each of the system has its own niche, and that for many, the 360 simply doesn't fit theiirs.
I have a MacBook Pro, Wii, and PS3. I will outline why each of them suits my needs, and why, for me, the 360 is completely superfluous. I could easily afford it, but what's the point?
My main hobbies outside of gaming are digital photography and web site design. For these purposes I own the MacBook Pro. OSX is hands-down the best environment for these tasks. When I boot it up in Vista, however, it capably handles a large portion of my gaming needs. It can easily handle all my favorite RTS (Warcraft 3, Battle for Middle Earth 2, Rome:Total War), strategy (Civilization IV) and simulation (Sims 2, Sim City 4, Microsoft Flight Simulator X) games. It runs the Bioshock Demo in full DirectX 10 glory piped to my 1080p 42" plasma, surpassing what I've seen graphics wise on the 360. Reason #1 I didn't buy a 360.
I don't play much in the way of FPS though. I used to be into them in the early days of the genre. I was raiding Castle Wolfenstein when most of you were still in elementary school. I played death matches on the Quake servers and fragged my college roommates in Duke Nukem 3d over a null modem cable. For me, though, the curent lot of FPSs out there have not progressed appreciably gameplay-wise past that, and the genre has lost my interest. Reason #2 I didn't buy a 360.
I'm an adult now, with a real life and a real career. I seldom have more than ~1 hour/day for gaming, except on weekends. I need games that I can pick up, enjoy for a little bit and put back down. I need games that I can enjoy with friends after a dinner party over a couple bottles of wine. That's why I got a Wii, and is reason #3 I didn't get a 360.
I am a gear head. I want the best of what's out there. When I'm watching movies, I want every pixel on my 1080p set utilized. I want uncompressed 7.1 sound. That the PS3 came with a Blu-Ray player was a HUGE decision maker for me. I know you can get the HD-DVD drive for the 360 (with a total cost greater than the PS3), but I don't relish the thought of the jet-engine fan sounds competing with my pricey sound system. AV components should not make themselves known. Reason #4 i didn't get a 360
I want reliability. I had enough with failing components, buggy games and the like from when I used to build my own PCs. Of the four people I know that have 360s, three have had the RROD and the other guy needs to point two fans at the console when playing COD4 to keep it from freezing up due to overheating. Reason #5 I didn't get a 360
My favorite console games are jRPGs and platformers. Enchanted Arms on the PS3 was highly underrated. SMG kicks majorly. Twilight Princess ate up a large part of my life. Mario Kart Wii is going to be gaming heaven. Ditto on FFXIII. After playing the Uncharted demo, I might actually enjoy FPSs again. My other current faves are GH3 and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga are both multiplat and provide no incentive to get a 360. That's why I own the Wii and PS3, and is reason #6 i didn't get a 360 ('nuff said on that one)
I have a huge collection of music and videos in every conceivable format. I can feed my PS3 everything it needs through TVersity and watch it on my home theater. Else, I can fire up my Ubuntu install and access the files directly of the network shares without resorting to a media server. With the 360, you are stuck with a small range of supported formats (though a nicer interface, granted). Reason # 7 I didn't get a 360.
So, for everything I want to do, tell me 360 fanboys, why is the 360 better?
My point is that while the 360 my suit YOUR needs, for some people, like me, it was sorely lacking.
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