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mad_cow19 Blog

I feel like updating

My life is at a very strange point. I'm understanding more about myself, and about the world as a whole, but I'm also losing myself in areas. My grades are getting back to where they should be, I kicked ass on the finals, and my love life is looking up :), an exgf that im still madly obsessed with started calling me a lot and wants to hang out after school today.

I think one of the strange things about our relationship is how different our lives are. Shes 19, working at the mall, and moving out of her dads house pretty soon, i mean shes living her adult life. Then im over here, 16, 10th grade, still bumming money off my mom, so our worlds are completely different.

I started getting really deep into drugs, but i've backed off and sticking with just pot and the occassional party where i get pretty drunk. I just sat down one day and thought about my life, where i came from, and where im going. I didn't really like the path i was going down, so i changed it.

On a lot lighter note, I'm borrowing Metroid Prime Echoes from my friend Shawn, and its amazing. I like it a lot more then the first one on the gamecube, and I cant wait till MP3 on the Wii comes out. I might write a review for Echoes after i beat it. Im not even that far, and i already love it and could write a bunch of stuff on it.

Well i still have like 55min left of class, and I already finished the final, so i really have nothing to do...but at 11:45 i get to go home, call April (the exgf) and we're going to hang out, maybe go to the mall. She works at this really cool store called Romancing the Stone, and shes good friends with the manager and shes going to try and hook me up with a job. 

Well anywho, i know maybe 1 or 2 people are going to read this out of the like 5 that might even look at it lol, so im not really sure why im typing this much, just bored and feel like sharing a bit of my life with you all.

At School...

Im sitting here in 2nd hour, typing up this post because i hate this class and im not really sure what we're doing right now, but oh well. The class im in right now is Programming 1, and i gotta go to Algerbra 2 after this. I hate this hour and algerbra 2. I normally just sleep in algerbra now, it makes it a lot better. I noticed im slacking off really badly in school. My grades are falling and im not doing a whole lot of the work anymore. I really need to buckle down for the last week. All these finals are going to be a pain. I cant wait till school is over. I really cant wait until i graduate, thats going to be hopefully only 2 more years, but with that whole thing that happened in Tulsa with me not reciving credit I think im going to have to take another year of high school. Oh well, the pieces will fall as they were intended to, and theres nothing anyone of us can do to change that.

I want a Wii...and a GS rant

Have you seen the fourms new "update"? More like one more reason to quit GameSpot. Why do I continue to post here? I have no idea. The GameSpot staff are just a bunch of retards if they think this is improving the site what so ever. Its not! Give up trying to make everything look pretty and work on the things that real attetion.

I really really really want a Wii...


What the hell is that word? Well thats a social, political, and religious movement founded by my friend Benjamin Carter and I. I'm writing up a basic constitution right now, and I'll get bored one day and post it on here.

Ahhhh my grades are slipping, I need to pay more attetion in school :(

I can't wait for this week to be over. I'm going to go job hunting a little, and party with my friends on saturday.

Turn your slurpee
into a Wii

:lol: I like that

Alright well, ima go now, ttyl

Life, the final frontier

I've been having a lot of mental revolutions/break downs lately. I have no idea whats going on in my head anymore. Theres this really interesting theory that you are the only person alive and that everything and everyone around you are just made up from your imagination and what you want to live and be around. Which dosnt make a whole lot of sence if you look at people in bad places like Africa who are constantly dying but for me it almost seems real.

Yesterday I looked at everyone differently, almost dehumanizing them. Nothing felt real, like I was living in a dream. I know this dosnt make any sence, also what dosnt make sence is why im even talking about it. I dont quite no myself. A plea cry for someone to try and understand me? Likely, but im not 100% sure on that one.

Another thing that happened at lunch yesterday was I felt like my life was in clock work action, that everything was the same as the day before, and I needed to get out of the house more. So I went over to my friend Matt's house and we talked about this crap im bringing up. He's had a lot of the same thoughts just cant explain them. Matt's a really cool guy to talk to because we have a lot of the same experiences, emotions, and thoughts, so I can relate to him and he can relate to me.

I asked my teacher a couple days ago why we were even on this Earth. We are born, we go to school and work to make money for crap we dont need, and we try and make life better for the ones who are coming after us. If we keep thinking in this style we are going to go no where. We are not going to evolve into the assended human beings we need to be. I feel that im on my way to understanding this life a little better, but im still so far off.

What the hell am I even talking about all this for? I needed to get it out i guess, and i honestly had nothing better to say and I felt like i needed to update with a new post.

Well im going to shut up now...if anyone reads this tell me what you think, or if im just crazy and need to lay off the deep thinking.


Yeah, Im in class with nothing to do and noticed I havent updated thsi thing in forever.

Hows everyones life? Mines ok. Hopefully I can find some parties here soon.

Well...I wrote this really long post and decided to just delete it. I have no idea why lol.

I just got Red Alert 2 for like the fifth time. Its an amazing game, and the live action cutscences are so cool, I can wait for the new one. I would really like to see a Red Alert 3, but theres a lot of games I want to see that wont make it. Fallout 3...Diablo 3....Starcraft 2....We can only hope to see these games sometime in the future.

Bells about to ring

Errors: Topic titles must be between 5 and 80 characters.

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Untill the 5 day free trial of Red Orchestra! Man I cant wait!

Im an officer for the Anime Underground Union, which is starting to kick off pretty good. If your reading this and your not a member...well...what are you doing?!? Go join!

The HTML on gamespot is messing up really badly and has been deleting my posts when I try and link something so im just going to put the address there for now.

Well I just ordered a new PSU, with any luck my x1600 will love it and decide to work. If not I guess Ill get a replacement. If that dosnt work....welll I hate my computer. I need to reintall Windows anyway, my system keeps restarting a lot. A RAM error? Virus? Drivers? I have no clue so if anyone knows of a good hardware diagnostic site that will tell me what the hells wrong with my computer Ill give you a hug.