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My 4/20, not as good as I was hoping for...

So I get to school, sober mind you, because I didn't want to be really tired when I went to work, so I just went through the day like any normal day. Finally schools out, so I get home, call Lydia for about 10min, get ready for work, get to work at about 4:55, clock in, and started trying to figure out what to do.


Apparently theres some online training thing they were going to make me do, but we were so busy yesterday that I never got around to even training. I found the easyist job to do, second window, all I do is make drinks and hand people stuff, oh and ask if they want sauce. At about 7:30 Lydia came by so I took a small break and was just about ready to shoot myself. Everything was fine until about 10pm. We had three people, myself included, working from 10-11 and it seemed like everyone and their dog went to Taco Bell during that time. We were so over run, people were waiting in line forever, and I was about ready to just explode randomly. Michelle finally called the manager and told him to get down there and help. It was so crazy, I have never been that stressed out.


You guys better respect fast food employees, because that job sucks hard. I go in tomorrow at 12pm-3pm so It's going to be pretty easy.


After that Lydia picked me up, but she was feeling like crap so we just kinda layed in bed most of the time, smoked a little, but really just layed there. She went home really eairly this morning. 


All in all, I wish my 4/20 was a little better, but theres always 4/21 :) 


He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
(We'll miss him. 2x)
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
(We'll miss him. 2x)
(We're gonna miss him. 2x)

So loooooong!
We wish you well.
You told us how you weren't afraid to die.
Well so looooooong.
Don't cryyyyy.
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried.

Standing above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud.
(We'll miss him. 2x)

Ranting and pointing his finger
at everything but his heart.
(We'll miss him. 2x)
(We're gonna miss him. 2x)

No wayyyyyy
to recall
what it was that you had said to me,
like I care at alll.
But he was sooo louuud.
You sure could yell.
You took a stand on every little thing
and soooo louuuuuuuuud.

You, could be, the one, who saves, me from, my own, existence.


Standing above the crowd,
he had a voice that was strong and loud
and I swallowed his facade cuz I'm so eager to identify
with someone above the ground,
someone who seemed to feel the same,
someone prepared to lead the way,
with someone who would die for me.

Will you?
Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you f**kin' lie.
(Don't you step out of line! 3x)
Don't you f**kin lie.

You've claimed all this time
that you would die for me.
Why then are you so surprised
when hear your own eulogy?
(He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say. 2x)

Coome down.
Get off your f**kin cross.

We need the f**kin space
to nail the next fool martyr!

To ascend you must die!
You must be crucified
for your sins and your lies!

First day at work

So I started my first job today at....





Go me...


Anyway, It was fun, even though all I did was sit there and watch 3 hours of training videos.  


I'm going to a Tool consert with my mom and my girlfriend May 19th.  

This weekend has already started out amazing

So I went to Farmington prom with Lydia. I saw a lot of people there i hadn't seen in a good long time. It was a lot of fun. All they played was like getto rap tho, so I was about ready to go punch the DJ. Me and like 2 other friends were bored so we started moshing lol. It was cool. I'll upload a couple pics when I get home later. Right now I'm at my friends house. Which is boring, because he had to go to work until 3. At 7 Lydias coming to pick me up and we're gonna go watch a bunch of local bands. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Let me show you my pokemans!



Lydia just left me house :( We watched South Park the movie :P. I'm going to her senior prom in like 8 days now, it's going to be pretty cool.


I have found some new obsession with cat pictures, they are so damn funny.


I was searching "fat chicks" on google trying to find Charlies girlfriend. :lol: jk! jk! you know I love you man.


This is a pic of Lydia when she went to Chicago. They have like a giant reflective bean in the middle of some park

Random updates

This is my gf Lydia. She's amazing is every way possible. I hope we're hanging out today. She's really fun to be around, and shes always laughing about something, she makes me very happy :)



I patched up STALKER. It sucks that you have to start over if you patch it, but it fixes some good stuff. I'm starting to really enjoy this game. I was curious so I maxed it out, and it runs better then it did on med settings. I think my GPU wants me to push it as far as I can :P. I see myself playing a lot more of it now.


You know what makes me mad? All these above the influence things. They only talk about how bad pot is, and a lot of it is just opinion. In the great words of Bill Hicks, "Making pot illegal is like telling God he did something wrong." You could relate it to the violence in video games. They look at the people who go crazy and kill people with baseball bats, but don't you think that maybe those kids were unstable to begin with? It's the same thing with pot. You have to respect it, and understand it. When I started smoking pot, my grades went UP! Imagine that! I looked at the world in a whole different perspective, and I love everything about my life, and about this world in general. Yes, pot can do a lot of bad things to people, but it's because they don't fully understand what THC does to your brain. It's not something you should do everyday, and when it starts effecting your life, you need to stop. Most kids I know turn to durgs when they are depressed, which is a REALLY bad idea. Drugs do not solve problems, they help open your mind on a whole new level. I am very pro legalization of organics. It's the human made stuff like heroin, crack, and meth you have to stay away from. People are impure, therefor the drugs they make are impure. It's what grows that isn't all that bad. Bill Hicks also talked about LSD, and how they only talk about the bad side of it.


If you guys are bored I really want you to watch these videos. They are amazing, and look at drugs in a more realistic way. - Bill Hicks - Drugs and Evolution - Bill Hicks - Positive Drug Story


yay life is purple

So my mouse just randomly started working again. I'm happy. I'll be at the PCGU trying to get some people talking. I'm thinking about making some off topic thread that will spark some interest.

 So I totally don't have school thursday and friday! Go me! Its parent/teacher meetings, and I have to go to mine tomorrow morning.

 After that, Lydia's going to come over and we're just going to relax and watch South Park the Movie lol. She wasn't feeling too good today, so we're just gonna sit around tomorrow. I'm really tired, and I didn't do hardly anything today.

Well guys I'll start posting on your blogs now that I can click around.  

So yeah...

I moved this weekend, and I go to plug my computer, and my mouse doesn't work! So I'm not going to be on gamespot a whole lot because it's really hard to get around this site by tabbing. I made it to where I can check my myspace, facebook, pron, and play Earthbound without a mouse. I really need to get one soon. I'm sitting here in programming while my grade drops :( So I need to be doing something right now. I can get on XFire if any of you are just dying to talk to me, I can tab and send people messages

 XFire ID



Well guys, I will post another blog when I get a new mouse, but for now you won't be seeing me too much on the forums.  

To ascend you must die

Tool is my all time favorite band.


Anyhoo, after all my random depression states, and meeting a wonderful woman, lets talk a little about gaming.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. turned out to be a real disappointment for me. The games graphics are really outdated, the blood effects look like Half Life 1. I can max out source and I have to run STALKER on med 800x600. It's really annoying.


So C&C 3 is out now, I really want to buy it to scrim online. It looks amazing.


Another game I really want to buy is Silent Hunter 4 Wolves of the Pacific. SH 3 was an amazing game. SH4 has too many problems to crack right now, and I would rather buy it to give the company a little money.


Anyway, I'm in programming and I really need to be getting to work, I'm falling behind in this...(i cant say the C word...c l a s s?)



English 11

Adv. Alg with Trig


Ancient Medieval Civ

AP Psychology

E.A.S.T. 2

Asian Studies

Another life update

Yesterday Lydia (my gf) and I spent all day after school together. She made me the best dam cookies I have ever had. I didn't know it was possible to make cookies so good. After that we went to put in my application at Arby's, and then went to the mall at like 8:30pm, ate (which I payed for! Yay I wasn't poor yesterday!...and now I am lol...Well, money is ment to be spent.), and she put in an application at Romancing the Stone. After that we went to the park, sat around, talked, and made out :). I love my life.