So I get to school, sober mind you, because I didn't want to be really tired when I went to work, so I just went through the day like any normal day. Finally schools out, so I get home, call Lydia for about 10min, get ready for work, get to work at about 4:55, clock in, and started trying to figure out what to do.
Apparently theres some online training thing they were going to make me do, but we were so busy yesterday that I never got around to even training. I found the easyist job to do, second window, all I do is make drinks and hand people stuff, oh and ask if they want sauce. At about 7:30 Lydia came by so I took a small break and was just about ready to shoot myself. Everything was fine until about 10pm. We had three people, myself included, working from 10-11 and it seemed like everyone and their dog went to Taco Bell during that time. We were so over run, people were waiting in line forever, and I was about ready to just explode randomly. Michelle finally called the manager and told him to get down there and help. It was so crazy, I have never been that stressed out.
You guys better respect fast food employees, because that job sucks hard. I go in tomorrow at 12pm-3pm so It's going to be pretty easy.
After that Lydia picked me up, but she was feeling like crap so we just kinda layed in bed most of the time, smoked a little, but really just layed there. She went home really eairly this morning.
All in all, I wish my 4/20 was a little better, but theres always 4/21 :)
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