Looks a bit dumbed-down to me, and seems to have been made for consoles judging by the menus, but I'm holding out hope that this will be a real thief game. A lot will probably depend on level design and turning off all the nonsense.
@Fastphase1 @madglee I was hoping that until I saw the developer talk about how the game would not be pure stealth, but a lot of action (read dumbed-down console the way Hitman was destroyed), how they couldn't use the original voice actor because he couldn't do his own stunts with motion-capture, despite Bioshock:Infinite doing exactly this with the supporting character, and how the entire storyline of Garrett was altered and his motives changed with no explanation of the events in prior games.
The developers forget that the people who can't wait for this game are the old-school fans, and as such, the game needs the original Garrett, a huge amount of stealth, and a great storyline. Not a bunch of "Press X" quick time events and lock-picking mini-games.
I can't believe you called the horror that was the VATS reworking "a master stroke." Completely agree with your earlier statement that they just took oblivion and slapped some new skins on. F3 was terrible, compared to 1 and 2. New Vegas had a much better story, better dialogue, and was just more engaging in general. Still, Fallout is meant to be isometric. I'm looking forward to Torment: Tides of Numenera, Wasteland 2, and Project Eternity. Evidently there a plenty of gamers left who appreciate isometric RPGs.
@quantumtheo @Vaultboy-101 @madglee A combination of graphics and gameplay is important. Super Mario Bros. was NES and had spectacular gameplay. Fallout 2 had very nice graphics, with satisfying gore, tactics, RPG, and story. Fallout 3 was some mildly entertaining FPS that wanted to be an RPG and had some horrific pause time/fake turn-based combat implementation. There's really no point in arguing, because the disagreement revolves around the gamers' age. It is unlikely any person who grew up with F1 or F2 would say F3 was in any way "critically improved."
@Vaultboy-101 @madglee Not sure you've played Fallout 1 or 2. I'm guessing not. Fallout "3" was some bastardized FPS with no real RPG or story elements. New Vegas, I must admit, was pretty good, but still can't possibly compare to the original isometric work in terms of atmosphere, story, replayability, or fun-factor.
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