Well written mini-thesis. Should be completely obvious to gamers; the fact that there is a petition to change endings is disturbing at best. Important to note I have not played the third one and have no idea what the ending is about. I didn't particularly like the 1st or 2nd one for various reasons, all of which revolve around another mini-thesis about how RPGs are becoming watered down. Interesting how passionate the commenters are on this subject and how some believe economic relationships should be divulged. Maybe I should play to see the ending.
While your post is valid in many respects, placing homophobia into this makes little sense. Only a tiny percent of the gaming market cares about homosexual vs heterosexual relationships in games, while an enormous percentage of gamers is outraged at the creative degradation wrought by corporations who have watered down characters, plot, and development while simultaneously taking advantage of consumers with day one DLC. You need to take a page from your own post and say what should be said - creative, intelligent gaming products have taken their place alongside movies of similar caliber - wonderful, yet ultimately not digestible by the majority of the population. Games like DA2, Fallout 3, or movies like Twilight and every Transformers after the first one are evidence of this permanent change. While the homophobia is certainly fascinating, it surely doesn't fit into this topic.
I just bought the 360 because it was much cheaper (until I realized I had to buy a separate wi-fi and don't have a very good dvd-player), and don't care too much either way, but I'm surprised that the PS3 has such terrible graphics.
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