Should have kept isometric perspective. This looks like another Gears of War type of take cover type mechanic, with probably clumsy ways to instruct your squadmates to do a few different skills. Blech.
" It's one of our goals to make sure that the PC version isn't just a copy of the console version." Wha---? This is a PC game. That statement implies that the console version is being developed first and is the main focus. Maybe it should have read "The console version isn't just a copy of the PC version."
Some of the art is cool. When I'm searching for these videos, though, I'm trying to look at the game, not hear the developers blathering on. If most of you feel like that, hopefully, Gamespot will listen and just start showing previews rather than the jabbering. Also, please don't use bloody cover. Is this Gear of War in Star Wars land? I'm hoping for more Deus Ex 1.
I see your point, but I think you stretched a bit. Thompson was attempting to limit others' enjoyment and even ability to play games, and he is not your parent. Viewing games as time wasters is one thing, despising throwing away money on said time wasters is another, and attempting to restrict general public consumption of any of the above is yet another, and one Thompson is guilty of. I do admit, regarding your point about the Smurf Village, that it is insane how much money one could make from designing such a game. I actually spent about $20 total on a similar type of online game which I won't mention here, because of its addictive potential. I don't want to give them free advertising. And I'm extremely educated. At least smurfs weren't involved.
I can't tell how good this will be. Graphics look pretty good and excited that it's not all about the force, but hope this isn't another "cover" combat mechanic.
madglee's comments